San Francisco Marathon Sunday July 30th 2006

Sean was one of nearly 38,000 marathoners and half-marathoners who ran to raise money for cancer research.
Texas resident Andrew Cook, 25, won the marathon in 2 hours and 26 minutes -- the fastest time of any winner since 1999. Former Santa Rosa High School and Stanford University track star Julia Stamps, 27, was the first woman to finish, in 2 hours and 54 minutes. Sean finished in 2 hours and 11 minutes (for the first half of the marathon). Run faster Sean!
Temperatures in the city were in the mid-60s today, as marathoners ran along the Embarcadero, near Pier 39 and the Girardelli Chocolate area, through the Presidio and across the Golden Gate Bridge and back, wound through Golden Gate Park and ended near the Ferry Building on the Embarcadero.
"It was absolutely beautiful," runner Bob, 27, of Anaheim, CA. said of the course. "But there were more hills than I expected."
Every runner who crossed the finish line received a gold-colored medal.
"That's a medal going on the mantle," said 35-year-old James of Lawton, OK. after completing the half-marathon Sunday. "Anyone who gets through this deserves it."
After the race, Sean and Lara visited the Stinking Rose for yummy garlic food, and enjoyed the rest of the weekend in Golden Gate Park and walking through the City. Highlights include the Conservatory of Flowers, the Botanical Gardens, and the Japanese Tea Gardens. “What a wonderful weekend!” Lara exclaimed.
Chronicle staff writers Alexander and Nadia contributed to this report. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Don’t do it!
Labels: adventures, marathon