Backyard Adventures

Monday, July 31, 2006

San Francisco Marathon Sunday July 30th 2006

A runner was excited as he finished the San Francisco Marathon on Sunday in what appeared to be the finest race in Summer of 2006.

Sean was one of nearly 38,000 marathoners and half-marathoners who ran to raise money for cancer research.

Texas resident Andrew Cook, 25, won the marathon in 2 hours and 26 minutes -- the fastest time of any winner since 1999. Former Santa Rosa High School and Stanford University track star Julia Stamps, 27, was the first woman to finish, in 2 hours and 54 minutes. Sean finished in 2 hours and 11 minutes (for the first half of the marathon). Run faster Sean!

Temperatures in the city were in the mid-60s today, as marathoners ran along the Embarcadero, near Pier 39 and the Girardelli Chocolate area, through the Presidio and across the Golden Gate Bridge and back, wound through Golden Gate Park and ended near the Ferry Building on the Embarcadero.

"It was absolutely beautiful," runner Bob, 27, of Anaheim, CA. said of the course. "But there were more hills than I expected."

Every runner who crossed the finish line received a gold-colored medal.

"That's a medal going on the mantle," said 35-year-old James of Lawton, OK. after completing the half-marathon Sunday. "Anyone who gets through this deserves it."

After the race, Sean and Lara visited the Stinking Rose for yummy garlic food, and enjoyed the rest of the weekend in Golden Gate Park and walking through the City. Highlights include the Conservatory of Flowers, the Botanical Gardens, and the Japanese Tea Gardens. “What a wonderful weekend!” Lara exclaimed.

Chronicle staff writers Alexander and Nadia contributed to this report. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Don’t do it!

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Friday, July 28, 2006

Jooooeeee’s Response and San Francisco Revisited

Joe, it looks like you gave us a lot to respond to here… so here I go…

I like the Bay Area, but I like the Central Valley also. The Bay Area is a good place to visit, but not a place to live. The Central Valley is one of the most productive agricultural regions in the world, which makes for good traffic conditions, growing things in the yard, lower crime than Detroit and Compton, mostly good weather with occasional 100 degree days in the summer and cool and wet temperatures in the winter. Tulle fog is not an issue since I commute fifteen miles to work. Smog is said to be bad, but at least I don’t live in Bakersfield where it is really bad. The Central Valley has a slower pace than the bay and southern California, it is a great place to run and have a dog, houses are affordable and five times bigger than Bay Area dwellings, and it is where I live. It is in the middle of nowhere, but close to everything.

Good on no DUIs and UIs! We don’t need your services, Joe can you get me out of Sixth and I Street? Can you bring bail money also? Bad!

Yea on family dinners with the new lady friend! Keep up the good work and get date number two. Be nice to the girl! Yes they are all different, but you have to find one that you are compatible with and one you really like, your best friend. I’ll have Lara respond to this more in forthcoming texts.

On the Care/Don't Care List, yes I agree, our ability to change things is virtually non existent. I can’t wait to tell Al Gore that I breathe CO2. I hope he doesn’t mind. I also want a bigger truck, don’t tell. I hope he doesn’t mind that I own a gas-powered lawn mower, I have an illegal fire pit, I took out the little plastic disk in the shower so I can have extra water flow during the shower process, I BBQ as often as I can, I drive as much as I can where I can (and off-road), I use spray paint and other chlorofluorocarbons, I run the AC as often as I can, I love SUV’s because they are good for the economy and I love seeing people spend 75$ on gas, and I have a vehicle that has no smog check fees. Stick it to you, Al. More on this issue as my blood pressure and freedoms are aroused.

I don’t like people that say they are going to show up for something, especially for money, and they flake. Use the cell phone and have a good excuse or tell the truth, “I can’t make it because I am wasting money and time inside Starbucks with a White Chocolate Mocha eating Low Fat Coffee Cake… and I will be there when I can.”

Yes, we need to go camping or on a field trip soon. August is full, but September and October are open!!!!!!!!!

We did have a great time at the San Francisco Zoo and in the Bay Area though. I like the San Diego Zoo a hundred times better, but we had a fun day last weekend. We went to Pier 39, Golden Gate Bridge and Presidio Tour, Golden Gate Park to see the buffalos who were sleeping, Ghirardelli Chocolate for treats and a hot chocolate; and I didn’t have to worry about Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Hezbollah, Immigration, the Big Dig Disaster, global cooling, ants, leaking ponds, mowing the lawn, and the 109 degree heat. It was a good escape from the Central Valley for the fun weekend.

Wait, I get to go back to the Bay Area for the San Francisco Marathon this weekend!!!! Let's see, this weekend: The Stinking Rose for garlic dinner, the San Francisco Botanical Gardens, Bart, get my race number and bazaar, run across the Golden Gate Bridge, and additional tourist activities to be discussed upon our return…. Stand By for More…


Monday, July 24, 2006

Weekend Activities July 22 – 23, 2006

The Waterfall is Done,
The Pond is Done,
but we have a leak… Hmmmm where does the water go?

The gang in San Francisco – The San Fran Zoo, Pier 39, and Ghirardelli Chocolate

Stand by for the whole zoo story…


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Grace, Strength and Faith

Did anyone else see this story on Fox? Family of Kidnapped Israeli Soldier

I am amazed and humbled by this beautiful young wife’s grace, strength and faith in the face of the Hezbollah terrorists. She is truly a light in the darkness. I can’t imagine the fear she must feel, and yet she is the “strong one” according to her father-in-law. I’m glad that this family is clinging to one another in this horrible circumstance. I pray that all three of the Israeli captives are alive and well, and will be free and safe with their families soon. May Ehud and Karnit Goldwasser see their dream of having a family of their own become a reality.



Dear Senator Sarbanes

June 7, 2006

The Honorable Paul S. Sarbanes
309 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC, 20510

Dear Senator Sarbanes,

As a native Marylander and excellent customer of the Internal Revenue Service, I am writing to ask for your assistance. I have contacted the Immigration and Naturalization Service in an effort to determine the process for becoming an illegal alien and they referred me to you. My reasons for wishing to change my status from U.S. Citizen to illegal alien stem from the bill which was recently passed by the Senate and for which you voted. If my understanding of this bill's provisions is accurate, as an illegal alien who has been in the United States for five years, what I need to do to become a citizen is to pay a $2,000 fine and income taxes for three of the last five years. I know a good deal when I see one and I am anxious to get the process started before everyone figures it out. Simply put, those of us who have been here legally have had to pay taxes every year so I'm excited about the prospect of avoiding two years of taxes in return for paying a $2,000 fine. Is there any way that I can apply to be illegal retroactively? This would yield an excellent result for me and my family because we paid heavy taxes in 2004 and 2005. Another benefit in gaining illegal status would be that my daughter would receive preferential treatment relative to her law school applications. If you would provide me with an outline of the process to become illegal (retroactively if possible) and copies of the necessary forms, I would be most appreciative. Thank you for your assistance.

Your Loyal Constituent,

Insert Your Name Here

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Monday, July 17, 2006

End of Summer School!

I am officially on vacation! I have spent the last 4 weeks, 3 intensive hours a day, teaching these fossas reading and writing. (Yes, I teach at the UN, and I love the diversity!)

They came for different reasons—some needed extra reinforcement of their skills during the summer, some came to be challenged by the Dragon-Lady 8 th grade teacher. (I'll never forget Nathan (5th grade) advising another student, "You'd better make sure it's perfect before you take that essay to her for editing. Trust me, even if you think it's perfect, it's not!")

I taught students from 4 th-8th grade, and it was wonderful. I've been in 8th grade so long that I've forgotten the devotion 4th graders have to their teacher, and the exuberance 5th and 6 th graders show when they know they've done something well. I love teaching 8th grade, but I have to admit, they are a bit jaded, and I'm used to working hard to earn their trust. This was refreshingly different, and I'm glad I took the opportunity.

I'll miss these guys!


Friday, July 14, 2006

Current Events, Care, Care a Little, Don't Care

Oil prices soar amid Middle East tensions – Care, Gas is really expensive in California. I have to use 91 octane as my truck gets mad at 87 now. Don't force me to get a Toyota Prius for $22,000 when I can get a truck! California State Conspiracy as I go over the border to Arizona and gas is 15 cents cheaper.

Israel hits Beirut airport for 2nd time – Don't Care, Just as long as the US doesn't send troops to help. They have been throwing stones at each other for decades. Get over it. Bomb them (Hezbollah Bad People) and don't ride on an Israeli bus or eat in an outdoor cafe! Safety tip! Sean and Lara don’t like the idea that Israel keeps getting picked on by the rottweilers next door. Send out the hounds!

Ahmadinejad: World will soon witness the demise of Israel – Care, Don't want to go to Iran, but would like to bomb Iran.

Ahmadinejad says 'Zionists' are 'most detested' people in humanity – Care, Just bomb them (Iran). Do it now before the liberals give us a new WMD mantra.

Ken Lay's memorial attracts power elite – Don't Care, Glad he saved the taxpayers incarceration fees. George H going to his funeral, Don't Care.
Ken was a huge contributor to George. Payback I suppose. I hate funerals!

Dow Ends Down 167, NASDAQ Ends Down 36 – Care!!!!! Yikes My 401K, My Stocks, My Pocketbook!

Saddam hunger strike over lawyers' killings – Don't Care, Kill Him!

Israel kills Palestinians with U.S. weapons – Care, those are our weapons. No trade for soldiers! Don't waste good weapons on bad Palestinians!

Global Warming and Al Gore – Don't Care, If a catastrophe happens as a .0001 percent of warming, I'll move to Washington State. Don't try to scare me and give me scientific proof before you tell me to get a hybrid, an electric lawn mover, an Al Gore won't flush all the treats down toilet, get rid of my fireplace, my truck, and the earth has a headache. Al gives me a headache! Don't get me started here. Global Warming is a bunch of Hoooeeee! But it is a great profit generator to the State!

Senate approves expanded drilling in Gulf of Mexico – Care, Good, need more off-shore drilling. We need drilling in California, Florida, ANWAR, Gulf of Mexico, and anywhere that Boxer and Diane Feinstein doesn’t want us to drill. Drill Drill Drill! Have you ever seen all the oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico? There are thousands giving us great and cheap fuel. If it is safe for fish in the Gulf, than it is safe off Santa Barbara.

Pete Coors arrested for DUI – Don't Care, I hope he was drinking a Sierra Nevada.

My Role in the Valerie Plame Leak Story by Robert Novak – Don't Care, Does anyone Care about Valerie? Oh Wait Dick Cheney is worried. She is suing him. Eeekkk!

Space shuttle cleared to return home – Care a little, Space industry is good for America. How much money does it cost to launch the space shuttle? Eeekkkk!

Astronauts continue repair drills; spatula now in orbit – Don't Care

Army to End Expansive, Exclusive Halliburton Deal – Care a Little, Who is going to feed the troops now? Contract out to Denny's?

Ethanol's Dirty Little Secrets – Don't Care, Hate ethanol. Don't force me to put corn in my tank. If it is cheaper than 91 octane, maybe I will put it in. Don't tell me what kind of car to drive. Don't tell me to drive in the carpool lane. Don't tell me I have to carpool. Get out of my driver's seat and let me drive a Ford Extinction with a horse tailor.

Food-crop biofuels given thumbs down – Don't Care, read above.

Is it true that a former president wanted to close the patent office, claiming everything had already been invented? – Don't Care, dumb! Maybe close the Nuclear Regulatory Commission instead. We haven't had a new reactor in decades. Oh wait, we are giving them to Iran and Korea. What does the NRC do all day anyway?

Iranian Missile Engineers Visited North Korea To Gather Info On Taepodong-2 Missile Launce – Care, We need to bomb these people into oblivion. Oh wait, the people are already living in oblivion. Maybe we can help with our Minute Man Two Missiles?

China, Russia Float Own Plan on N. Korea – Care a Little, China and Russia won't like our plan.

Troops Home Fast: Day 6 by Cindy Sheehan – Don't Care, I wish this lady would starve!

India slams Pak remark over blasts – Care A Little, Indians with Nukes, Pakistanis with Nukes, Sean with Nukes?

FCC checks live TV tapes for dirty words – Don't Care, get out of my TV. If I don't like profanity, I will change the channel. Let me do it. I have the clicker. Don't give the government the clicker!

Verizon drops its air phone business – Don't Care, Does anyone ever use the air phone anyway?

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Happy Birthday Wishes - July 11, 2006

A birthday is considered a special day, and so the birthday boy or girl will often get special treatment from friends and family. This is especially true for children who cannot wait for their own special day. In contrast, many adults loathe the reminder that they are continually getting older. In addition to parties, people often get gifts on their birthday. Often, the honored person gets a "birthday hug" from friends and family. For older people a birthday may be a prompt for their grown-up children to write or call.

Birthday parties for children often include fun games like Pin the Tail on the Donkey, musical chairs, and hitting piñatas. For adults, the parties tend to be more formal such as a special dinner at a restaurant. Despite the age, these parties have the intent of making the honored person very happy. In jest, the birthday is sometimes referred to as the "best day of the year" and the day after the birthday is the "worst day of the year" since the person must wait a whole year for the next birthday. Source: Wikimedia

Happy Birthday Lara


Monday, July 10, 2006

The Valley Drive

One more scorching summer through the Great Central Valley,
to drive an endless road through miles of growing things I fly past.
Corn, cotton, tomatoes, and trees of all kinds whisk by along the way.
If only I could see another town instead of fresh farm smells, growling trucks,
and black pavement along ubiquitous rolling hillsides.

I can stay here, though in the middle of nowhere, but so close to everything, as you know.
I am no stranger to this vast land, as I have lived in the North and the South.
I drive up and I drive down, just trying to get around.
You are the one I come to visit from so far away.

Just one more mile to go in the heart of the greatest agricultural spot in the nation,
we can talk about cities we desire to live someday,
but what a lack of urbanization along the way.
I left, and now I'm back again, a short drive from an ocean, lakes of all sizes,
majestic mountains, and some of my favorite national parks.
Please say you missed me since I went away, or join me on a hike today.

It is hot on my journey south, another mile since gone by.
The Bathrooms, Kettleman, Coalinga, just flew by, but after 64 ounces I have to go…
No more music on the radio, and where am I anyway?
Just thinking of how long until I am with you,
with fewer mullings of fruits and nuts I have.
The Grapevine approaches, the end of my arduous adventure concludes as I am within reach of the great City of Angels.


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Seasons in the Lakebed

Well, it's been a quiet week on the lakebed, on the edge of the city, my hometown. People say that Southern California doesn’t have seasons. But, if you watch carefully, you can see them here in the lakebed. This is one of my favorite places to be. Living in the city, it is hard to find a place to lose yourself in nature without actually leaving. But in those times when I need solitude, this is where I go. I find it to be almost as spiritual as going to church. I can commune with nature in a retreat surrounded by the city.

It’s a dry lakebed, very near the house, which locals use for walking, running, biking or horseback riding. Homes and horse properties line the perimeter of the upper trail. Smaller trails intertwine and connect this trail with the lower trail along the base of the lakebed. My dog Cinnamon and I walk here 3-4 times a week, mostly on days I’m not dancing.

Right now, the grasses and brush are drying out, but there are still trees that are newly blooming. In the fall, things will dry out completely. Then the winter rains come, and it is actually quite lush come springtime. There is quite a variance of plant life here, some areas in this small space are like the desert, some chaparral, some woodsy. Those of you from Minnesota, Canada or Ireland may not (at first) find much to see, but if you look more closely, there is beauty here, too.

There are gifts in the lakebed, too. The summer brings blackberries, which should be ready in just a few weeks; the fall, pomegranates; the winter brings oranges; and in the spring, sweet loquats. When can we walk in the lakebed to eat these pleasant treats?

Sights, smells, and sounds abound, as the lakebed is far from silent. Songs of the birds, cicadas, crickets and frogs blend together in a chorus. Smells here are fragrant, as scents of sage and other herbs are strong in the lakebed. Likewise, the smells of the flowers, and of course, the horses are not too distant when I visit. It is always different here, and varies even by time of day.

Cinnamon and I can walk the two and a half miles around the perimeter without seeing a soul, but sometimes we meet people we know, even if they are just kindred souls we recognize only from the lakebed. People here are friendly. Lakebed etiquette requires that passers-by be acknowledged with a smile and a greeting. Recently, James and I passed a strange man we had not seen before. He ignored us as he walked by, and James commented on how odd that was and how everyone at least says “hello” as we pass. I’d never really thought about it before, but I realized he is right. How refreshing in our busy world to note this experience as an odd occurrence. There are unwritten lakebed rules, don’t forget!

There are creatures here, too! Lots of rabbits and squirrels, skunks, possums and even coyotes frolic about. I hope I won’t stumble to find, the friendly snake lurking behind a bush or in the shrubbery. The smarter creatures generally stay away from the main trails, or maybe they are watching at me when I travel the trails at dusk… We sometimes meet coyotes in the evenings or mornings. In fact, we saw one today. But I was not quick enough with my camera, I do declare. Maybe there’s a bunny hiding beneath the underbrush? Maybe a hawk or a prowling raptor watching us from up on the high tree? Maybe a mouse or a squirrel is looking for a tidbit to eat on the lower trail? There are many creatures there, if you know where to look. Look carefully and you can see the rabbits just up the trail.

The lakebed is a bird-watcher’s haven as well. In the evenings, the birds and bats chatter to one another as they dive for insects. We’ve watched smaller birds band together to chase away ravens, owls and even hawks from their nests. My favorite is the egret, which looks like fine-bone china. I see them only on the very luckiest of days.

I have spent many happy hours here with James and Sean, or on my own with Cinnamon. There is time to talk, or just walk quietly. I often pray here. I find solace in the critters, the growing things, and the natural surrounding. I find my thoughts wander quite easily here. I feel so blessed to have access to this secret retreat where I can escape from work and the noises of everyday life. And I think it’s Cinnamon’s favorite place, too! Maybe this is Lara’s favorite Backyard Adventure escape? "And, that's the news from the lakebed, where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above-average."


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Independence Day

Thank you to all those who have served our nation at home and abroad.
We owe you our freedom.

From Zell Miller's RNC speech of September 1, 2004:

Never in the history of the world has any soldier sacrificed more for the freedom and liberty of total strangers than the American soldier.

And, our soldiers don't just give freedom abroad, they preserve it for us here at home.

For it has been said so truthfully that it is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us the freedom of the press.

It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the soldier, not the agitator, who has given us the freedom to protest.

It is the soldier who salutes the flag, serves beneath the flag, whose coffin is draped by the flag, who gives that protester the freedom he abuses to burn that flag.

“This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the Brave.”
~ Elmer Davis
