Backyard Adventures

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Happy Birthday Wishes - July 11, 2006

A birthday is considered a special day, and so the birthday boy or girl will often get special treatment from friends and family. This is especially true for children who cannot wait for their own special day. In contrast, many adults loathe the reminder that they are continually getting older. In addition to parties, people often get gifts on their birthday. Often, the honored person gets a "birthday hug" from friends and family. For older people a birthday may be a prompt for their grown-up children to write or call.

Birthday parties for children often include fun games like Pin the Tail on the Donkey, musical chairs, and hitting piñatas. For adults, the parties tend to be more formal such as a special dinner at a restaurant. Despite the age, these parties have the intent of making the honored person very happy. In jest, the birthday is sometimes referred to as the "best day of the year" and the day after the birthday is the "worst day of the year" since the person must wait a whole year for the next birthday. Source: Wikimedia

Happy Birthday Lara



  • You, my dear, are such a goofball. But thanks. :)

    By Blogger Lara, at 3:21 PM  

  • Happy birthday!

    By Blogger CaliValleyGirl, at 3:12 AM  

  • Joe--
    For the record, I am *NOT* a Flatley fan (or Flathead, as we Irish dancers refer to his fan-atics). I do, however, appreciate the art of Colin Dunne and Jean Butler--much more my style.

    Still considering your proposals...but, Sean is pretty cute and he came to a ceili at the studio and danced with me. That's L-O-V-E....

    BTW, thanks for the guff...and with any luck, the story won't end. :)

    By Blogger Lara, at 8:22 AM  

  • No Drinking and Driving or you will be defending yourself in court….
    Ok get a name of the girl before you seal the deal with the girl!
    Irish Dancing Girls are smoking hot, but not as hot as Roses!
    When are we going camping again?
    What happened to Date Number One?
    You need a girlfriend! Yes you do! Don’t deny it! Mark got one and now it is your turn! You can bring her camping also. Some like that!

    By Blogger Sean, at 8:46 AM  

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