Jooooeeee’s Response and San Francisco Revisited

Joe, it looks like you gave us a lot to respond to here… so here I go…
I like the Bay Area, but I like the Central Valley also. The Bay Area is a good place to visit, but not a place to live. The Central Valley is one of the most productive agricultural regions in the world, which makes for good traffic conditions, growing things in the yard, lower crime than Detroit and Compton, mostly good weather with occasional 100 degree days in the summer and cool and wet temperatures in the winter. Tulle fog is not an issue since I commute fifteen miles to work. Smog is said to be bad, but at least I don’t live in Bakersfield where it is really bad. The Central Valley has a slower pace than the bay and southern California, it is a great place to run and have a dog, houses are affordable and five times bigger than Bay Area dwellings, and it is where I live. It is in the middle of nowhere, but close to everything.

Good on no DUIs and UIs! We don’t need your services, Joe can you get me out of Sixth and I Street? Can you bring bail money also? Bad!
Yea on family dinners with the new lady friend! Keep up the good work and get date number two. Be nice to the girl! Yes they are all different, but you have to find one that you are compatible with and one you really like, your best friend. I’ll have Lara respond to this more in forthcoming texts.
On the Care/Don't Care List, yes I agree, our ability to change things is virtually non existent. I can’t wait to tell Al Gore that I breathe CO2. I hope he doesn’t mind. I also want a bigger truck, don’t tell. I hope he doesn’t mind that I own a gas-powered lawn mower, I have an illegal fire pit, I took out the little plastic disk in the shower so I can have extra water flow during the shower process, I BBQ as often as I can, I drive as much as I can where I can (and off-road), I use spray paint and other chlorofluorocarbons, I run the AC as often as I can, I love SUV’s because they are good for the economy and I love seeing people spend 75$ on gas, and I have a vehicle that has no smog check fees. Stick it to you, Al. More on this issue as my blood pressure and freedoms are aroused.
I don’t like people that say they are going to show up for something, especially for money, and they flake. Use the cell phone and have a good excuse or tell the truth, “I can’t make it because I am wasting money and time inside Starbucks with a White Chocolate Mocha eating Low Fat Coffee Cake… and I will be there when I can.”
Yes, we need to go camping or on a field trip soon. August is full, but September and October are open!!!!!!!!!
We did have a great time at the San Francisco Zoo and in the Bay Area though. I like the San Diego Zoo a hundred times better, but we had a fun day last weekend. We went to Pier 39, Golden Gate Bridge and Presidio Tour, Golden Gate Park to see the buffalos who were sleeping, Ghirardelli Chocolate for treats and a hot chocolate; and I didn’t have to worry about Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Hezbollah, Immigration, the Big Dig Disaster, global cooling, ants, leaking ponds, mowing the lawn, and the 109 degree heat. It was a good escape from the Central Valley for the fun weekend.

Wait, I get to go back to the Bay Area for the San Francisco Marathon this weekend!!!! Let's see, this weekend: The Stinking Rose for garlic dinner, the San Francisco Botanical Gardens, Bart, get my race number and bazaar, run across the Golden Gate Bridge, and additional tourist activities to be discussed upon our return…. Stand By for More…
I like the Bay Area, but I like the Central Valley also. The Bay Area is a good place to visit, but not a place to live. The Central Valley is one of the most productive agricultural regions in the world, which makes for good traffic conditions, growing things in the yard, lower crime than Detroit and Compton, mostly good weather with occasional 100 degree days in the summer and cool and wet temperatures in the winter. Tulle fog is not an issue since I commute fifteen miles to work. Smog is said to be bad, but at least I don’t live in Bakersfield where it is really bad. The Central Valley has a slower pace than the bay and southern California, it is a great place to run and have a dog, houses are affordable and five times bigger than Bay Area dwellings, and it is where I live. It is in the middle of nowhere, but close to everything.

Good on no DUIs and UIs! We don’t need your services, Joe can you get me out of Sixth and I Street? Can you bring bail money also? Bad!
Yea on family dinners with the new lady friend! Keep up the good work and get date number two. Be nice to the girl! Yes they are all different, but you have to find one that you are compatible with and one you really like, your best friend. I’ll have Lara respond to this more in forthcoming texts.
On the Care/Don't Care List, yes I agree, our ability to change things is virtually non existent. I can’t wait to tell Al Gore that I breathe CO2. I hope he doesn’t mind. I also want a bigger truck, don’t tell. I hope he doesn’t mind that I own a gas-powered lawn mower, I have an illegal fire pit, I took out the little plastic disk in the shower so I can have extra water flow during the shower process, I BBQ as often as I can, I drive as much as I can where I can (and off-road), I use spray paint and other chlorofluorocarbons, I run the AC as often as I can, I love SUV’s because they are good for the economy and I love seeing people spend 75$ on gas, and I have a vehicle that has no smog check fees. Stick it to you, Al. More on this issue as my blood pressure and freedoms are aroused.
I don’t like people that say they are going to show up for something, especially for money, and they flake. Use the cell phone and have a good excuse or tell the truth, “I can’t make it because I am wasting money and time inside Starbucks with a White Chocolate Mocha eating Low Fat Coffee Cake… and I will be there when I can.”
Yes, we need to go camping or on a field trip soon. August is full, but September and October are open!!!!!!!!!
We did have a great time at the San Francisco Zoo and in the Bay Area though. I like the San Diego Zoo a hundred times better, but we had a fun day last weekend. We went to Pier 39, Golden Gate Bridge and Presidio Tour, Golden Gate Park to see the buffalos who were sleeping, Ghirardelli Chocolate for treats and a hot chocolate; and I didn’t have to worry about Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Hezbollah, Immigration, the Big Dig Disaster, global cooling, ants, leaking ponds, mowing the lawn, and the 109 degree heat. It was a good escape from the Central Valley for the fun weekend.

Wait, I get to go back to the Bay Area for the San Francisco Marathon this weekend!!!! Let's see, this weekend: The Stinking Rose for garlic dinner, the San Francisco Botanical Gardens, Bart, get my race number and bazaar, run across the Golden Gate Bridge, and additional tourist activities to be discussed upon our return…. Stand By for More…
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