Current Events, Care, Care a Little, Don't Care
Oil prices soar amid Middle East tensions – Care, Gas is really expensive in California. I have to use 91 octane as my truck gets mad at 87 now. Don't force me to get a Toyota Prius for $22,000 when I can get a truck! California State Conspiracy as I go over the border to Arizona and gas is 15 cents cheaper.
Israel hits Beirut airport for 2nd time – Don't Care, Just as long as the US doesn't send troops to help. They have been throwing stones at each other for decades. Get over it. Bomb them (Hezbollah Bad People) and don't ride on an Israeli bus or eat in an outdoor cafe! Safety tip! Sean and Lara don’t like the idea that Israel keeps getting picked on by the rottweilers next door. Send out the hounds!
Ahmadinejad: World will soon witness the demise of Israel – Care, Don't want to go to Iran, but would like to bomb Iran.
Ahmadinejad says 'Zionists' are 'most detested' people in humanity – Care, Just bomb them (Iran). Do it now before the liberals give us a new WMD mantra.
Ken Lay's memorial attracts power elite – Don't Care, Glad he saved the taxpayers incarceration fees. George H going to his funeral, Don't Care.
Ken was a huge contributor to George. Payback I suppose. I hate funerals!
Dow Ends Down 167, NASDAQ Ends Down 36 – Care!!!!! Yikes My 401K, My Stocks, My Pocketbook!
Saddam hunger strike over lawyers' killings – Don't Care, Kill Him!
Israel kills Palestinians with U.S. weapons – Care, those are our weapons. No trade for soldiers! Don't waste good weapons on bad Palestinians!
Global Warming and Al Gore – Don't Care, If a catastrophe happens as a .0001 percent of warming, I'll move to Washington State. Don't try to scare me and give me scientific proof before you tell me to get a hybrid, an electric lawn mover, an Al Gore won't flush all the treats down toilet, get rid of my fireplace, my truck, and the earth has a headache. Al gives me a headache! Don't get me started here. Global Warming is a bunch of Hoooeeee! But it is a great profit generator to the State!
Senate approves expanded drilling in Gulf of Mexico – Care, Good, need more off-shore drilling. We need drilling in California, Florida, ANWAR, Gulf of Mexico, and anywhere that Boxer and Diane Feinstein doesn’t want us to drill. Drill Drill Drill! Have you ever seen all the oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico? There are thousands giving us great and cheap fuel. If it is safe for fish in the Gulf, than it is safe off Santa Barbara.
Pete Coors arrested for DUI – Don't Care, I hope he was drinking a Sierra Nevada.
My Role in the Valerie Plame Leak Story by Robert Novak – Don't Care, Does anyone Care about Valerie? Oh Wait Dick Cheney is worried. She is suing him. Eeekkk!
Space shuttle cleared to return home – Care a little, Space industry is good for America. How much money does it cost to launch the space shuttle? Eeekkkk!
Astronauts continue repair drills; spatula now in orbit – Don't Care
Army to End Expansive, Exclusive Halliburton Deal – Care a Little, Who is going to feed the troops now? Contract out to Denny's?
Ethanol's Dirty Little Secrets – Don't Care, Hate ethanol. Don't force me to put corn in my tank. If it is cheaper than 91 octane, maybe I will put it in. Don't tell me what kind of car to drive. Don't tell me to drive in the carpool lane. Don't tell me I have to carpool. Get out of my driver's seat and let me drive a Ford Extinction with a horse tailor.
Food-crop biofuels given thumbs down – Don't Care, read above.
Is it true that a former president wanted to close the patent office, claiming everything had already been invented? – Don't Care, dumb! Maybe close the Nuclear Regulatory Commission instead. We haven't had a new reactor in decades. Oh wait, we are giving them to Iran and Korea. What does the NRC do all day anyway?
Iranian Missile Engineers Visited North Korea To Gather Info On Taepodong-2 Missile Launce – Care, We need to bomb these people into oblivion. Oh wait, the people are already living in oblivion. Maybe we can help with our Minute Man Two Missiles?
China, Russia Float Own Plan on N. Korea – Care a Little, China and Russia won't like our plan.
Troops Home Fast: Day 6 by Cindy Sheehan – Don't Care, I wish this lady would starve!
India slams Pak remark over blasts – Care A Little, Indians with Nukes, Pakistanis with Nukes, Sean with Nukes?
FCC checks live TV tapes for dirty words – Don't Care, get out of my TV. If I don't like profanity, I will change the channel. Let me do it. I have the clicker. Don't give the government the clicker!
Verizon drops its air phone business – Don't Care, Does anyone ever use the air phone anyway?
Israel hits Beirut airport for 2nd time – Don't Care, Just as long as the US doesn't send troops to help. They have been throwing stones at each other for decades. Get over it. Bomb them (Hezbollah Bad People) and don't ride on an Israeli bus or eat in an outdoor cafe! Safety tip! Sean and Lara don’t like the idea that Israel keeps getting picked on by the rottweilers next door. Send out the hounds!
Ahmadinejad: World will soon witness the demise of Israel – Care, Don't want to go to Iran, but would like to bomb Iran.
Ahmadinejad says 'Zionists' are 'most detested' people in humanity – Care, Just bomb them (Iran). Do it now before the liberals give us a new WMD mantra.
Ken Lay's memorial attracts power elite – Don't Care, Glad he saved the taxpayers incarceration fees. George H going to his funeral, Don't Care.
Ken was a huge contributor to George. Payback I suppose. I hate funerals!
Dow Ends Down 167, NASDAQ Ends Down 36 – Care!!!!! Yikes My 401K, My Stocks, My Pocketbook!
Saddam hunger strike over lawyers' killings – Don't Care, Kill Him!
Israel kills Palestinians with U.S. weapons – Care, those are our weapons. No trade for soldiers! Don't waste good weapons on bad Palestinians!
Global Warming and Al Gore – Don't Care, If a catastrophe happens as a .0001 percent of warming, I'll move to Washington State. Don't try to scare me and give me scientific proof before you tell me to get a hybrid, an electric lawn mover, an Al Gore won't flush all the treats down toilet, get rid of my fireplace, my truck, and the earth has a headache. Al gives me a headache! Don't get me started here. Global Warming is a bunch of Hoooeeee! But it is a great profit generator to the State!
Senate approves expanded drilling in Gulf of Mexico – Care, Good, need more off-shore drilling. We need drilling in California, Florida, ANWAR, Gulf of Mexico, and anywhere that Boxer and Diane Feinstein doesn’t want us to drill. Drill Drill Drill! Have you ever seen all the oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico? There are thousands giving us great and cheap fuel. If it is safe for fish in the Gulf, than it is safe off Santa Barbara.
Pete Coors arrested for DUI – Don't Care, I hope he was drinking a Sierra Nevada.
My Role in the Valerie Plame Leak Story by Robert Novak – Don't Care, Does anyone Care about Valerie? Oh Wait Dick Cheney is worried. She is suing him. Eeekkk!
Space shuttle cleared to return home – Care a little, Space industry is good for America. How much money does it cost to launch the space shuttle? Eeekkkk!
Astronauts continue repair drills; spatula now in orbit – Don't Care
Army to End Expansive, Exclusive Halliburton Deal – Care a Little, Who is going to feed the troops now? Contract out to Denny's?
Ethanol's Dirty Little Secrets – Don't Care, Hate ethanol. Don't force me to put corn in my tank. If it is cheaper than 91 octane, maybe I will put it in. Don't tell me what kind of car to drive. Don't tell me to drive in the carpool lane. Don't tell me I have to carpool. Get out of my driver's seat and let me drive a Ford Extinction with a horse tailor.
Food-crop biofuels given thumbs down – Don't Care, read above.
Is it true that a former president wanted to close the patent office, claiming everything had already been invented? – Don't Care, dumb! Maybe close the Nuclear Regulatory Commission instead. We haven't had a new reactor in decades. Oh wait, we are giving them to Iran and Korea. What does the NRC do all day anyway?
Iranian Missile Engineers Visited North Korea To Gather Info On Taepodong-2 Missile Launce – Care, We need to bomb these people into oblivion. Oh wait, the people are already living in oblivion. Maybe we can help with our Minute Man Two Missiles?
China, Russia Float Own Plan on N. Korea – Care a Little, China and Russia won't like our plan.
Troops Home Fast: Day 6 by Cindy Sheehan – Don't Care, I wish this lady would starve!
India slams Pak remark over blasts – Care A Little, Indians with Nukes, Pakistanis with Nukes, Sean with Nukes?
FCC checks live TV tapes for dirty words – Don't Care, get out of my TV. If I don't like profanity, I will change the channel. Let me do it. I have the clicker. Don't give the government the clicker!
Verizon drops its air phone business – Don't Care, Does anyone ever use the air phone anyway?
Question for Al Gore and the global warming Chicken Littles.
Suppose through science and technology they came up with a way to set the greenhouse gases to whatever they wanted. And therefore, according to the current wisdom, the ability to finely adjust the average global temperature. What temperature would they select? Or more to the point, who would select it? The Russians and North Koreans might want a high temperature while the Iranians and Iraqis might want it much lower. We could have the Iranians taking out the methane and the Canadians putting more back in.
Of course Al Gore would say we should develop the technology first - the hard problem - and then solve the political problem - the easy one. I would say deciding who gets to select the Goldilocks temperature might be the hardest problem.
Anonymous, at 11:59 AM
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