Backyard Adventures

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Lucky One - Book Review

The Lucky One is another great story by Nicholas Sparks. It truly is amazing how he is able to capture the audience in this book. You are drawn in with this story and it makes you think of things such as fate, luck, destiny and true love. I highly recommend this book to my reading audience.

The main character is ex-marine, Logan Thibault, who has served three tours of duty in Iraq. He believes his survival is due to a picture he found of an unknown woman in Kuwait. Once he completes his tour of duty, he walks from Colorado to Hampton, North Carolina in search of the woman in the picture. Once he arrives in North Carolina, he takes a job at a dog training facility where he meets Nana, the elderly owner of the facility, Elizabeth, her granddaughter and her young son, Ben. Elizabeth, he discovers is the woman in his lucky picture. The story develops from there into an exciting climax. Read what happens next in The Lucky One.


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Congratulations BNCOC 2008

November 2008
Congratulations on a job well done!


Sunday, November 09, 2008

Dining Out 2008

I was inspired by Ashleigh's great post to post our own Dining Out picture-our story of that evening isn't nearly as exciting as hers, but no doubt next year, it will be! :)'s me, my handsome soldier and Baby Brendan, too, if you look carefully.

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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Welcome Aboard the World Famous Jungle Cruise

Sean’s Halloween Costume - 2008

I am Phil Odendron your Jungle Cruise Skipper. Please remain seated while in my boat. While you are visiting the rivers of the world, please be quiet. There are wild animals out there. I have my trusty flintlock just in case we run into Hippos. My guess is that I will be voting No on Yes. I need a proposition to trade with Trader Sam. Now get out of my boat! I mean please get out of my boat!!!!

I hope your Football Political Picks were successful!!!! I have a new commander in chief. Am I happy about it? Maybe if the real birth certificate surfaces, then maybe I will have peace… Now I feel like those gorillas in the safari camps who sure did a sloppy job parking that jeep! But I guess monkeying around comes naturally to 'em. What is next for our riverboat adventures of the world?

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Monday, November 03, 2008

Books: The Diamond of Darkhold

The fourth book in the Ember series begins with an enticing vision of pre-Disaster events, in which the Builders of Ember make provisions to assist the emerging inhabitants of the city. To add to that, things are not going well in Sparks, as the stress of the Ember newcomers brings back a frightening scarcity of food, warmth and hope. This hard life pushes Doon and Lina into adventure as they discover an artifact that inspires them to return to their abandoned city to relieve the village’s troubles. Along the way, the pair meets odd characters that add spice to events as the book unfolds; some are kind and gentle, while some are selfishly scary. Doon and Lina's knowledge of Ember helps them find solutions in dire straits, but it also takes work and grit to discover the true meaning of the jewel-like object central to the plot. Readers will find this a clever and a fast-paced read, and will enjoy the logical future detailed at the end.

This book was as delightful as the previous books in the Ember series. I don’t agree with many of the criticisms of the book out there. It was full of action and emotion, which kept my fingers crossed for the characters. Whenever something new came out of the blue, my nose was practically glued to the book. The ending wrapped everything up nicely, what happened to the characters, and how they changed the future. I highly recommend the book to everyone, especially young people. One note, I would recommend you read the first three books though. They will assist you while reading this final version of Ember. The book moves along smoothly and will hold your interest until the very end.
