Backyard Adventures

Friday, February 29, 2008

Another Boy Adventure

Yes- we went to the ER yesterday. I was at school at the very end of the day, when I heard some yelling in the hallway. I was just about to leave duty to go do some after-school tutoring, but I thought I should go subdue such shenanigans. I discovered my own son, and like any reasonable mother/teacher, I scolded him for yelling in the hallway. When I realized that his wrist was bending about an inch below where it should have been, I changed instantly into caring mother-mode and decided we needed to go to the hospital right away. Thank you to the front office for the amazing splint they constructed while I went to get the car. Lots of mother-love up there!

ER got him right in, gave him some oxygen and hooked him up to all the monitors. He needed some painkillers for the "reduction" to come. Thankfully, it only took about 10 minutes, and he doesn't remember much of it , except for the tugging on his arm. Amazingly we were out of there in about 2 1/2 hours!

Silly boy, he was trying to run and jump to catch a rain gutter.....just like Jake, apparently. He over shot it, missed and landed on his wrist. This is what happens when you do this:
He is now known as SPIDERMAN 'round these parts. :) Brave boy, he is at school today, and sees this as a learning experience.

Awwww....they match!

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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Former Students at USC

A, A, and A....but I know at least one of you is at UCLA! :) I'm proud of all of you!


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Gazing into the Fire

I'm currently reading, Eat, Love, Pray by Elizabeth Gilbert, a memoir about a woman who after going through a devastating divorce, goes on a pilgrimage of sorts, spending 4 months in Italy, learning Italian, 4 months in India, learning meditation at an Ashram, and 4 months in Bali, Indonesia, learning all she can from a medicine man. While in India, she meets a dairy farmer from Ireland who also comes to learn meditation.

This passage reminded me of gazing into the fire on a starry evening in a little cottage in Ireland last summer....

"...And now I will mention my friend the dairy farmer from Ireland--on the surface a most unlikely character to meet in an Indian Ashram. But Sean is one of those people like me who were born with the itch, the mad and relentless urge to understand the workings of existence. His little parish in County Cork didn't seem to have any of the answers, so he left the farm in the 1980s to go traveling through India, looking for inner peace through Yoga. A few years later, he returned home to the dairy farm in Ireland. He was sitting in the kitchen of the old stone house with his father--a lifelong farmer and man of few words--and Sean was telling him all about his spiritual discoveries in the exotic East. Sean's father listened with mild interest, watching the fire in the hearth, smoking his pipe. He didn't speak at all until Sean said, "Da--this meditation stuff, it's crucial for teaching serenity. It can really save your life. It teaches you how to quiet your mind."

His father turned to him and said kindly, "I have a quiet mind already, son," and then resumed his gaze on the fire."

This really resonated with me. Ah, for more quiet evenings in front of the fire with kindred spirits who don't mind the silence. It truly is good for the soul.

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What We've Been Up To...

Let's see...flying back and forth, catching time together, dreaming about puppies, going to Disneyland and doing taxes.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Why God Made Strawberries
by Andrew Greeley

Once upon a time, long, long, ago, there was Earth Maker and First Man and First Woman. They lived in a whitewashed stone cottage on the edge of a green field with a silver lake and a road leaving over the hills and out beyond. First Man and First Woman were very much in love and very happy together. Earth Maker was pleased with himself because it appeared that his experiment of creating male and female had been a huge success. Oh, they argued a few times a week, but never anything serious.

Then one day, they had a terrible fight. They forgot what they were fighting about and fought about who had started it and then about what the fight was about.

Finally First Woman was fed up. You’re nothing but a loudmouth braggart! she said and stormed out of the cottage and across the green field and by the silver lake and over the hill and out beyond.

First Man sat back in his rocking chair, lit his pipe, and sighed happily. Well, at last we’ll have some peace and quiet around here. The woman has a terrible mouth on her.

But as the sun set and turned the silver lake rose gold, he realized he was hungry. Woman, he shouted, I want my tea. But there was no woman to make the tea. Poor First Man could not even boil water. So he had to be content with half of a cold pratie (which is what the Irish call a potato). Then as a chill came over the cottage and First Man felt lonely altogether, he sighed again, let his pipe go out, and felt he needed a good night’s sleep. He didn’t light the fire because, truth to tell, he wasn’t very good at such things. First Woman did all the fire-lighting in their house because she could start fires in a second.

The poor fella shivered something awful when he pulled the covers over himself. Well, he told himself, she did keep the bed warm at night. He didn’t sleep very well and when he woke there was a terrible hunger on him. Woman, he shouted, I want me tea! Then he realized that there was no woman and no tea. So he had to be satisfied with the other half of the cold pratie.

Well, he was sitting in front of the cold fireplace, puffing on a cold pipe, wrapped in a thin blanket, when Earth Maker appeared.

Let me see now, said Earth Maker. This is earth and I made ye male and female. And you’re the male. Where’s herself?

She’s gone, Your Reverence.



Why’s she gone?

We had a fight!

You never did!

We did!

And she left you?

She did, Your Reverence.

You’re a pair of eejits!

Yes, Your Reverence.

Do you still love her?

Oh yes, Your Reverence, something terrible!

Well then, man, off your rocking chair and after her!

She’s long gone, Your Reverence. I’ll never catch up with her.

No problem. I can move as fast as thought. I’ll go ahead of you and slow her down! Now get a move on!

Poor First Man, his heart breaking trundled out of his chair and down the path across the green field and by the silver lake and out beyond.

Meanwhile Earth Maker caught up with First Woman. She was still furious at First Man. She walked down the road at top speed, muttering to herself as she went.

The woman has a temper, Earth Maker reflected. But that fella would make anyone lose their temper.

So to slow her down, said “ZAP!” and created a forest. Didn’t she cut through it like a warm knife cutting through butter?

Then Earth Maker created a big lake. That’ll stop her, he said to himself.

It didn’t stop her at all, at all. She charged into the lake and swam across it, Australian Crawl.

I don’t know where she learned it because Australia didn’t exist way back then. But she knew it.

Och, said Earth Maker, there are problems in creating women athletes, aren’t there now? Well, the poor thing is hungry, so she’ll slow down to eat. ZAP. There appeared along the road all kinds of fruit trees—peach trees, plum trees, grapefruit trees, apricot trees (no apple trees because that’s another story).

What did First Woman do? Well she just picked the fruit as she was walking and didn’t slow down a bit.

Sure, said Earth Maker, won’t I have to fall back on me ultimate weapon. I’ll have to create strawberries!


First Woman stopped cold. Ah, would you look at them pretty bushes with the white flowers.

As she watched, didn’t the flowers turn into rich red fruit?

Ah now, isn’t that gorgeous fruit and itself shaped just like the human heart?

She felt the first strawberry. Sure, doesn’t it feel just like the human heart, soft and yet strong and firm. I wonder what it tastes like. Sure, doesn’t it have the sweetest taste in all the world, save for the taste of human love?

Well, she sighed loudly, speaking of that subject, I suppose the eejit is chasing after me, poor dear man. I’d better wait for him.

So didn’t she pick a whole apron full of strawberries and sit by the strawberry bush and wait for First Man.

And finally, he came down the road, huffing and puffing and all worn out.

This is called the strawberry bush, she said, pointing at the bush. And doesn’t the fruit taste wonderful? So she gave a piece of fruit to First man, like the priest gives the Eucharist.

Oh, says First Man, isn’t it the sweetest taste in all the world, save for the taste of human love. So they picked more strawberries and, arm in arm, walked home to their whitewashed cottage by the green filed and the silver lake and the hill and out beyond. ‘Tis said that they lived happily ever after, which meant only three or so fights a week.

Now, I want all of you to remember every time from now on when you taste strawberries, that the only thing sweeter is the taste of human love. And remember too that love is about catching up and waiting and true lovers know how to catch up and wait.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Yay, Boy!

For patriotism, valor, fidelity and professional excellence.
Well done!


Tuesday, February 05, 2008

What a great post!

Sora from Para has written a great article about voting your conscience, no matter which candidate you favor. Here's just a bit:

"If everyone says Ron Paul can't win, and then doesn't vote for him because he can't win, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If the media keeps saying Ron Paul can't win, and people keep believing them and voting for the candidates who are approved by the talking heads on the television set, then the media has taken over our representative republic. But IF people vote their conscience, then, YES, RON PAUL CAN STILL WIN THE NOMINATION."
"If you disagree with Ron Paul's strict constitutionalism or his economic theories or don't like his character or his voting record or his plans for the country, or just really like Mitt Romney's hair, by all means vote for someone else. But if you LIKE HIM BEST OF THE CANDIDATES WHO ARE RUNNING, and vote for someone else because they are more "electable", then you have just played into the hands of the media. The real vote that "doesn't count" is a compromise vote for the "less evil" lizard."

I love this conversation she quoted from Hitchhiker's Guide...

"The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people."

"Odd," said Arthur, "I thought you said it was a democracy."

"I did," said Ford. "It is."

"So," said Arthur, hoping he wasn't sounding ridiculously obtuse, "why don't the people get rid of the lizards?"

"It honestly doesn't occur to them," said Ford. "They've all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they've voted in more or less approximates to the government they want."

"You mean they actually vote for the lizards?"

"Oh yes," said Ford with a shrug, "of course."

"But," said Arthur, going for the big one again, "why?"

"Because if they didn't vote for a lizard," said Ford, "the wrong lizard might get in."

Go check out the rest here.


Monday, February 04, 2008

Are You Taking a Plane Anytime Soon?

Why we need to short United Airlines stock (see article below)! I won't be flying them again, or Alaska, or American, or Northworst, or US Airways... I think I better get the oil changed in the car, as I don't think flying is good for my health any more....

So if I have ONE bag that weighs 100 lbs, will that comply with United’s new rules? I wonder if they will start charging me to use the on-flight porta-potty also? Will soda and peanuts be phased out also and or will a small 5$ charge be applied to passengers who take the peanut option? Wait, they have replaced peanuts with pretzels, my apology... peanut allergies! Hold your horses, pretzels have too much salt. No more pretzels. “Soda 5$, Beer 10$, please have exact change.” Maybe comfortable seats will be phased out as well, as wooden-bench seats have become vogue and more economical? They can take the armrest out and put more people in the air bus? Maybe for a small upgrade they can install aluminum seats for business travelers? Hmmm I wonder if my electronic gadgets will conflict with the aluminum? I can’t use my MP3, DVD, CD, Cell, anything that has a wireless connection, and or anything that transmits electronic signals inside the plane anyway. Maybe they might start assessing a fee when my seat back is not in the upright position? Oh I forgot, the benches don’t have seat backs. Maybe they will start charging me when the plane is late because I wasn't responsible enough to check the courtesy e-mail the previous day or I didn't check in early enough?

If you have to check your ONE bag at the airline, does it really save them to use these new fangled computer check-in systems? I still have to get my boarding pass, my stickers for my ONE bag, and they have to check my identification. I still have to wait in a long line to put my bag on the turnstile, don’t I? Last time I used the outside check in on the way to Ireland, I didn’t see my bag for a week. What is a weary traveler to do?

Now the Security Nazis, another line? Maybe if I don’t take off my shoes at the security checkpoint, I can get a free soda while I wait in the long and stinky line with bare feet people? Wait, liquids are not allowed. Maybe I don’t want to open my laptop! How many of those trays do some people have to use anyway? I guess if you are only allowed ONE bag to check in, and ONE bag as a carry-on, we may have to start stuffing things in our undergarments to get them onto the plane with us. If I don’t want the airline to lose my bag, and I need a toothbrush, shampoo, and deodorant, just as long as they are secure inside a micro-ziplock baggy. How do I get all my things I need to my destination? Now do I bring my ID though the metal detector and my boarding pass, or just my boarding pass? My wallet is in the X-ray, I apologize. Belt on or off? Jewelry on or off? Wait at the red line for the TSA guy to stop chatting with the guy behind the big X-ray TV? “Come on, I want to wait at my gate for my plane that is going to be three hours late.” Can I leave and come back? Repeat process. Let's get this thing moving! How many TSA guys do they really need anyway? OAK had at least five per passenger. I bet full union also. Can you imagine the repetitive stress related injuries on those wands and stray X-rays from the machines? I bet that is a great job. “Now put your shoes on, your feet stink!” The line was just as long as the ticket counter. Only one X-ray was working yesterday. I bet those things cost a bundle. “I need all courtesy clerks to the open X-ray register 1, please!” If I can’t bring my bottle of water inside security, I can’t have TWO bags, I can’t fit all my shampoo and clothes into one bag, it could be cheaper to use FedEx? Can I fly FedEx? I bet they have seats that are bigger and more comfortable than a stadium seat?

If I was a gold, platinum, premium, gold carpet member without small children passengers, maybe I could afford the 500$ trip to So. Cal. in comfort aboard the super-express liner? But then again, the super-express liner for the super gold, platinum, red carpet passenger is still delayed for the trip also. If I am three hours late, the super platinum premium passenger still has to wait for the wheelchair person and the passengers carrying small children while we wait for our flight. I wonder if they get one of those restaurant flashers when it is time to board? Maybe I can make a plane reservation next time I fly? “Call and flash me when it is time to come to the airport.” “Sir, you plane is ready, we can seat you now.” Maybe I should be happy that they didn’t cancel the flight? Wait, they did this last time I flew! Lara had her flight cancelled last time she flew! Dad thought that all the OAK flights were delayed because the pilots and air traffic people were watching the Superbowl so they couldn’t get the planes flying or going. “Touchdown! You are clear to taxi on runway 911 east.” I may start running to my next destination, it may be faster... As for my luggage, I can put it in the overhead compartment on my back. I can't check it anyway...

********** United Article--from Yahoo News **********

United Adds $25 Fee for 2nd BagMonday February 4, 4:39 pm ET
United to Charge Non-Frequent Fliers $25 to Check 2nd Suitcase

CHICAGO (AP) -- United Airlines will begin charging passengers $25 to check in a second piece of luggage for domestic travel if they are not part of its most-frequent-flier programs, the airline said Monday.

The charge will generate more than $100 million in revenue and cost savings each year, UAL Corp. said. The change takes effect May 5 and applies to tickets purchased on or after Monday.
Travelers would have to log at least 25,000 miles in a year on United to ensure they can check their second bag for free.

Airlines want to charge more for not only checked baggage but assigned seats and other services. Investors have urged airlines to pass on the higher costs of fuel to passengers through ticket-price increases or similar surcharges.

United's customer research showed a quarter of its customers check a second bag, Chief Revenue Officer John Tague said in a statement. The new policy will allow customers with many bags to continue bringing them for a fee and "enables us to offer competitive fares to everyone," Tague said.

Customers who have "Premier" status or higher within United's Mileage Plus program, or "Silver" status or higher within its Star Alliance program still will be able to check in a second bag for free. The new charge applies to those who purchase nonrefundable domestic economy tickets.

United will charge all customers $100 per bag for up to four additional bags. Previous charges ranged from $85 to $125 per bag. The cost to check items that require special handling because they are large, overweight or fragile will now be either $100 or $200, depending on the item.

New fees apply to trips within the U.S. and or those that include Canada, San Juan, Puerto Rico and St. Thomas. Customers whose itineraries include other international flights still will be able to check the second bag for free. The cost to check more than two bags, or items that are overweight or require special handling, on such trips will vary by destination. UAL shares fell $2.56, or 6.2 percent, to $38.58 Monday.
