We had a lovely time last night at Dining Out--my first real experience with the Army. It was very formal, elegant and well-thought out. Awards were given, a slideshow of the soldiers at work was shown (I teared up a bit when the song "An American Soldier" was played) tributes were paid to the fallen, to those who have or are serving overseas and to the families of the soldiers.

It was held on a old riverboat, so the ambiance was perfect--thought the ceiling was a bit low for the color guard! Everyone was very kind and welcoming, and the food was delicious! It was great to meet so many of the people I've heard stories about (good stories, of course!).

Sean participated in Color Guard for the event. When they were getting ready, a soldier came over and asked if they could borrow Sean from me for a few minutes. I smiled and said that it happens all the time, and that I'm getting used to it. He was very serious, and I don't think he got my joke....Oh well. Sean did. Anyway, I was able to sneak this shot of the rehearsal. Isn't he cute? :)
So, this was a crash course for me--Understanding the Army 101--ranks, insignia, protocol, the Army song, of course--and lots of names! (I need flashcards!) It's not easy, but I'm beginning to understand--I learned a lot last night. Things like the Tribute to the Fallen really make the reality of what it means to serve in this way hit home, and yet I know that the things I love about Sean are ultimately the very same things that make him a good soldier--honor, service, commitment...
On the way out, Sean asked a passer-by if he would take our picture in front of the bridge. Sean chooses them well, because this guy turned out to be a professional photographer! And he didn't even laugh at my slow little camera!

Sean is back at work right now (Dining Out followed by duty the next morning?!) but I thought I'd post my thoughts while they are still fresh. Maybe he'll add to this post later.
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