Lara's Veterans' Day Post
Here's an email that I wanted to share that I wrote following an wonderful experience I had on Veterans' Day. I originally wrote it to a friend whose boyfriend was deployed to Afghanistan, and thought it might show some of what deployment was like from this side of the pond:
Ok--my Veteran's Day--INCREDIBLE! I went to the Nixon Library to see the speakers they had lined up. There was a POW from WWII, Gary Miller, Nixon's pilot--Col. Gene Boyer, Clay Baxter from the Amer.Legion--who in speaking about supporting the troops vs. supporting the president/war said--"You cannot separate the troops from the mission, nor can you separate the war from the warrior." (Yes, I'm a dork and took notes.) When Sen. Miller asked the vets in the audience to stand and be honored, I am not exaggerating--HALF the room stood up. Frank Martinez read a beautiful poem on being a vet--and that same half of the audience was in tears. Gary Coletti spoke on the Vietnam Vet's experience, and then, the keynote speaker, Major Gen. Michael Lehnert spoke. Wow. He served at Guantanamo Bay, and commanded the Marines in Iraq--he gave a tribute to the Greatest Generation and the vets of the Forgotten War, he spoke briefly on Vietnam, and then he spoke about our active duty servicemen and women in Iraq and Afghanistan today--he was talking about the differences in having an all volunteer force vs. the draft situation in previous wars, and went on to say that "They (those are our guys he's talking about!) are every bit as honorable and courageous as the Greatest Generation." He also said in regards to fighting the War on Terror, "We will not finish this war in my lifetime. But we will not fail you, and we will win with honor." It was a very moving speech.
So, after he spoke, almost everyone lined up to talk to him. I decided that I really wouldn't know what to say to him anyway, and the line was really long, so I left to tour the museum instead. A few hours later, I decided to head home, and as I was walking out the front door, I quite literally bumped into the Mjr. Gen. and his wife, who were also leaving. They noticed my sweatshirt (embroidered with OIF with an Iraqi and American flag) and asked about it, so we talked for a few minutes. Yes, I was actually talking to him--and it was really great. He asked all about Sean, and what he is doing over there, when he'll be home (he told me to tell my soldier that I "light up" when I talk about him. :) I asked him if he would write Sean a note on my program--and he did!
"Sean, We are so proud of you and what you are accomplishing over there. Keep your head down and your powder dry. Semper fidelis!" and then he signed it Michael Lehnert, Maj. General, USMC. How cool is that???
He was very kind and genuinely interested--and I know he'd been talking to people for quite some time at that point. We talked for about 15 minutes. His wife was really wonderful, too.
So, as they left, I was a bit dazed, and I decided to go and see the concert that was being offered. And, guess who showed up at the concert? Sean's parents! I dragged them into the seats next to me and babbled quickly (and I'm afraid rather incoherently!) at them before the concert started about my experience with meeting Mike Lehnert. The music was so beautiful at the concert--what a great way to end the day!
But--what a day! I just got to talk to Sean this morning, and he's heading back up to Fallujah--one more "last" mission? I think this is the 3rd "Last" mission he's had. Right. If they send him on anymore, I think they'll have to keep him longer, so hopefully that won't happen. He said not to expect him home now before the 20th of Dec. It had been the 15th. So, I think I'll just try to relax and go with whatever happens, and be grateful that he's coming home. Ok, trying to be patient....I'll just have to trust that things are unfolding as they should, but man that's hard! I just need to remember that God is in control, not the Army, right?
Labels: army, deployment
Tee hee...I remember that email...;-) Just as good the second time around!
CaliValleyGirl, at 11:25 AM
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