Where's the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President by Jerome R. Corsi (May 17, 2011)

There is a lot of information on the President’s past in here that Americans need to know about. His past is very convoluted and many of dots portrayed in the book do not match up. This book discusses many of those dots. Corsi looks at Obama's Father, Mother, their history and travels and he explores Obama's step dad Lolo Soetoro. He also takes a look at the media's role in the cover-up. He discusses John McCain, who faced the same probes, yet proved his right as natural-born citizen. He also talks about how the name 'Soetoro' seems to be completely missing from Obama stories, articles, and books, and how he has a step sister who no one even talks about. Lastly he discusses many of Obama’s many names: Barack Hussein Obama II, Barack Hussein Obama (without the designation "II" indicating Barack Obama Jr.), Barry Soetoro or Barack Hussein Obama Soebarkah. The conspiracy moves on to other topics as well, such as the hospital he was born in, even though neither hospital claims that he was born there. And there is more.
Although it does cover other peripheral issues, the heart of this book is Obama's birth certificate. Those following the contemporary politics are familiar with the birth certificate issue, which surfaced on and off since Mr. Obama announced his candidacy back in 2007. There have been numerous personalities who staked their personal interest in this subject, including an attorney in California who filed various lawsuits, an Army medical officer who refused deployment on this basis and a real estate mogul who hired a private investigator and promised the public a stunning finding on the issue. However, no one has actually seen and touched an actual birth certificate. They have all been electronic on-line versions. Court cases are also discussed. But many of these cases are deemed frivolous or are dismissed due to lack of standing. The court cases discussed in this book could be made into a book itself.
Some of the questions asked in the book are: Why has Obama hidden every single one of his past records? It's a simple answer and no one on the Left will even attempt to answer simply because they have no idea why. And finally, the one birth certificate that he has released has caused more questions than it answers. Corsi tries to answer why does he not even appear in any of the college yearbooks for colleges he has attended? Why are his Illinois Senate records locked down tight? Why did his wife give up her license to practice law? Why is anyone who questions Obama immediately branded a racist by the media? There has never been a president or any other elected official who has so shut out the people of the country from learning about him. Why?
Maybe this book will enlighten some people to ask more questions. Because I so believe, I will give Mr. Corsi a solid four-star review… and if you disagree, you are part of the conspiracy. Every person in America should read this book. We have a liar in the White House--one unwilling to tell us who he is. This book says it all and is backed-up with amazing facts and figures. I also enjoyed the timeline in the appendices of the book. The President has a lot of explaining to do.
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