Backyard Adventures

Thursday, March 04, 2010

The Dictatorship Cometh

Sunday, the speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, told each representative in the House of Representatives that they should vote for Obamacare even if it means he or she loses in the next election.

In other words, they should vote for the bill, even if their constituents are so strongly opposed to it that they will vote their unrepresentative representatives out of office, based on their vote on this single issue.

Essentially she is asking them to violate the most basic tenet of representative democracy: that representatives are elected to represent their constituents – not the party, not the president, not those who funded their campaigns, not anyone else. What she is advocating is a rubber- stamp Legislature, a la the USSR, Cuba, Venezuela and Iran, where the president gets what he or she wants regardless of what the people want. That is a dictatorship. At least it's a dictatorship for the next 10 months.




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