Backyard Adventures

Monday, March 30, 2009

2009 - UPDATED

Our current national debt is $10.7 trillion

The projected deficit for 2009 is $1.7 trillion

The Troubled Assets Relief Program “TARP” was $700 billion,
I call this the Troubles Relied Asset Program “TRAP” or my Mike Huckabee called it the Congressional Relief Action Program

The total cost of the stimulus bill enacted last month was over $1.1 trillion

The Administration wants an additional $750 billion more

The Omnibus Appropriations Bill was $410 billion

The Federal Reserve pumped another $1.2 trillion into our markets last week

The stock market is now down 32% since taking office

742,000 jobs axed in March... Eeeekkkk

The national unemployment rate rose from 7.6 percent in January to 8.1 percent in February

The proposed Presidential budget submitted to Congress is $3.6 trillion, OMG!

While you Malik Obama being tested with stomach pains, cholera suspected, Heartbreaking

Zeituni Onyango, being deported April 1, Horrible, Updated: Obama's aunt can stay in USA another year...

$28.38 million U.S. dollars to bring an entourage of 500 people to Great Brittan to attend the G20 summit! Priceless

Don’t Forget to Bring Your Passport!



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