Backyard Adventures

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Voters Awakening to Obama?

Tom Daschle withdrew his name. Oh darn. Only missed $124,000 in taxes owed. His defenders said the mistake wasn't intentional. And it certainly didn't affect his qualifications for the job. Now that's a whopper. In my book, cheating on ones taxes definitely affects one's qualifications for the job - any job. And Obama said he regrets his decision to withdraw.

What the talking heads seem to be missing in all of this, tax cheats, bribe takers, pork laden stimulus, etc., is that Obama isn't taking the lead on any of this. When Daschle's problems showed up, Obama should have come out and said "you're gone, dude." And instead of saying "there will be no pork and there is no pork", when it obviously isn't true, he should say, "take that crap out, or I won't sign it." And when he said he was going to "reach across the aisle" he should have done something to show he meant it, not threaten the Republicans with retribution if they don't sign on.

As I said earlier, he still talks as if he is campaigning but he obviously isn't taking charge. And nothing is new or changing. He is just another politician and I think gonna be a weak one at that. But most profoundly, I think the voters are beginning to see just that. And that includes his most ardent supporters.




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