Backyard Adventures

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I Want to See the Baby, I Want to See the Baby!!!

I Want to sniff the baby! Where is he?

Click on me to see the pictures:

Brendan has arrived!!!!
7 pounds, 13 Ounces
Arrived Sunday at 11:20 a.m.
He is 19 inches long and very handsome
Mom is doing well and we are home catching up on domestics, sleep, and baby activities


Friday, February 13, 2009

Where is Brendan?

Where is Brendan?
3 Days to Go???


Do You Have Time to Read This?

Stimulus Spending Pork Bill - PDF One

Stimulus Spending Pork Bill - PDF Two

Don't Forget the Last Minute Inserts:

Stimulus Spending Pork Bill -
Last Minute Insert One

Stimulus Spending Pork Bill -
Last Minute Insert Two

In Summary Update:

Stimulus Spending Pork Bill - Press Summary


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Sky Has Fallen!

“Failure to act swiftly and boldly could turn a crisis into a catastrophe!"


Thank You
Susan Collins
Olympia Snowe
Arlen Specter

Dasvidania Comrade

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Monday, February 09, 2009

“The Sky is Falling the Sky is Falling!!!!!!!!” This time it is the Drought!!!!

UPDATE: Just today - Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa called on Monday for mandatory water rationing in Los Angeles

Governor Schwarzenegger Proclaims Drought and Orders Immediate Action to Address Situation

Following two straight years of below-average rainfall, very low snowmelt runoff and the largest court-ordered water transfer restrictions in state history, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today proclaimed a statewide drought and issued an Executive Order, which takes immediate action to address a dire situation where numerous California communities are being forced to mandate water conservation or rationing.

"For the areas in Northern California that supply most of our water, this March, April and May have been the driest ever in our recorded history," Governor Schwarzenegger said. "As a result, some local governments are rationing water, developments can't proceed and agricultural fields are sitting idle. We must recognize the severity of the crisis we face, so I am signing an Executive Order proclaiming a statewide drought and directing my Department of Water Resources and other entities to take immediate action to address the situation."

“The Sky is Falling the Sky is Falling!!!!!!!!” This time it is the Drought!!!!

Actually the "We are in the worst drought in 100 years" sky is falling has been around in California for at least 100 years. “At least as long as I have been in the state and that is a long time,” says a faithful reader. I really like it when we are in a high rainfall year and they have to raise water rates because no one is watering their lawns or filling their swimming pools. But they have to do the same when there is a drought because we don't use as much water because we are told to cut back. But if we really were in a drought, they should cut back on all that corn they use to make gasohol. How much water do they need to make ethanol anyway? And growing cotton in California?

Have you noticed that even when rainfall is way above normal, they still don't let the water level in Lake Powell rise. I'm sure it is a (Democrat) conspiracy. But if they were really worried about the sea level rising, they would store lots of water in Lake Powell and Lake Mead. Now how come we can’t build a dam in California? We haven’t built a dam in this state since before I was born. In fact, they want to tear down Hetch Hetchy. Now there is a great idea. Lets cut off the water to San Francisco!!!

I have always said one of the ways to combat global warming is to build houses - lots of houses. Cut down trees and sequester their carbon in the new houses. Plant new trees to convert carbon dioxide to cellulous and sequester more carbon. And while your at it, you save water. It is good for the economy too. Households use less water per acre than farms. So build more houses. And stop all this dairy farm stuff with all the cow flatulence. And range cattle and sheep too.

This Weeks Forecast:

Chance of T-storms
50% chance of precipitation
Partly Cloudy
Rain Showers
80% chance of precipitation
Chance of Rain
20% chance of precipitation
Chance of Rain
40% chance of precipitation

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Friday, February 06, 2009

Do you notice anything different today?

Do you notice anything different today? I haven't. Well, it's our first day without California State government workers. It demonstrates that we can get along just fine without them, at least for a few days.

Sorry Gus!


Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Voters Awakening to Obama?

Tom Daschle withdrew his name. Oh darn. Only missed $124,000 in taxes owed. His defenders said the mistake wasn't intentional. And it certainly didn't affect his qualifications for the job. Now that's a whopper. In my book, cheating on ones taxes definitely affects one's qualifications for the job - any job. And Obama said he regrets his decision to withdraw.

What the talking heads seem to be missing in all of this, tax cheats, bribe takers, pork laden stimulus, etc., is that Obama isn't taking the lead on any of this. When Daschle's problems showed up, Obama should have come out and said "you're gone, dude." And instead of saying "there will be no pork and there is no pork", when it obviously isn't true, he should say, "take that crap out, or I won't sign it." And when he said he was going to "reach across the aisle" he should have done something to show he meant it, not threaten the Republicans with retribution if they don't sign on.

As I said earlier, he still talks as if he is campaigning but he obviously isn't taking charge. And nothing is new or changing. He is just another politician and I think gonna be a weak one at that. But most profoundly, I think the voters are beginning to see just that. And that includes his most ardent supporters.



Monday, February 02, 2009

Book Review: Your Heart Belongs to Me

Dean Koontz does a wonderful job developing the newest thriller and wastes no time in grabbing your attention in Your Heart Belongs to Me. The story starts out with a brilliant young man, Ryan Perry who finds himself fighting for his very existence in a battle that starts within his chest. The young Internet entrepreneur has the world in his pocket until the first troubling symptoms appear while surfing the waves at Newport Beach. Within days, he is diagnosed with an incurable heart ailment and finds himself on the waiting list for a heart transplant. After a diagnosis from his cardiologist, he switches to a more reputable doctor in Beverly Hills. As his condition deteriorates, reluctantly a heart is found that is a perfect match for Ryan.

One year later, he has never felt better. His heart has been replaced without complication, business is flourishing and he hopes to renew his relationship with his girlfriend Samantha. Out of nowhere, unmarked gifts begin to appear at his house, a box of Valentine candy hearts, a heart pendant, and most disturbing of all, a graphic heart surgery video on his security camera with the chilling message: Your heart belongs to me.

Your Heart Belongs to Me fits nicely with books such as The Husband, The Darkest Evening of the Year, The Good Guy, and The Taking; stories that deal with psychological suspense, running at one hundred miles an hour, a real page-turner that keeps you up all night. Don’t forget the bad dreams that follow while reading one of these books. They are nail-biting and relentlessly suspenseful. Your Heart is no exception.

However dark as this novel is (and this is one dark book) there is some sense that even when the worst is upon us, there is also a sense that life goes on and something can be made of the fallen pieces. Happily ever after comes to mind, but only after reading the final paragraph. Many of these favorite Koontz books often have deep and intensely loving relationships that sustain them through the horrors they face. Don’t rule out this latest book as I highly recommend it in my library. I anticipate The Other Side of the Woods come spring.
