Stop the Carbon Tax
Thank you for providing me your weekly e-newsletter. My comments today are on the new State Air Board adoption of the new greenhouse gas emissions and standards. I know that the HJTPA is a taxpayer's advocacy group assisting Main Street with taxes and burdens being imposed on by the State, the Legislature, and the lack of spending cuts in Sacramento. With this new "the sky is falling, the sky is falling" legislation, especially in legislation adopted in AB 32 and AB 375, I want you to get involved in fighting this new hidden tax being imposed. If I can be of help, my services are available. But your voice is a lot louder than mine. How can we stop the State from imposing new burdens on transportation, on businesses and industry, and buildings and landfills?
Politicians in Sacramento are going to kill the economy. These people are also going to have us living in sod houses soon, as this is the most efficient use of heating and cooling, as you know. I don't want to live in a sod house. I want to drive to work (yes, in a car), I want my family to drive to the store if they want, and if that store is in East Podunk, I want the opportunity to waste as much gas getting there as needed to accomplish the task. I want to come and go as I please. I don't want to drive in a carpool lane, I don't want the State regulating the energy industry, carbon footprints are not proven science, and I don't want the State involved in my life. Finally, global warming is not proven science and in fact it isn't even getting warmer. How can we stop these climate Nazis from coming to Main Street and telling me how to run my life? Can we do a statewide initiative to stop the carbon tax?
Labels: CA politics, politics
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