Backyard Adventures

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Get Your Supply of Snake-Oil Liniment!

Step Right Up, Get Your Supply of Snake-Oil Liniment!
Guaranteed and Proven to Work!
Get Your Money Back If You Are Not Fully Satisfied!
~~~~~~~~Relieves Instantaneously~~~~~~~~

The snake-oil peddler is a traveling salesmen acting like a doctor, with dubious credentials of course, selling medicine (such as snake oil) with a boisterous marketing technique, often supported by pseudo-scientific evidence. To enhance sales, an accomplice in the crowd, “a shill” would often attest to the value of the product, in an effort to provoke buying interest. The assistant pretends no association to the seller and assumes the air of an enthusiastic crowd. The intention of the shill is to encourage others, unaware of the set-up to purchase said goods or services, to the good nature of the products being peddled.

The doctor would prudently leave town before his customers realized that the purchased concoction was not as described in the production. Most of the time, the mixture was concocted with a mixture of alcohol, turpentine, camphor, and maybe a little sugar. It would be marketed to clean the blood, and in effect, clean blood would clean the rest of your body to make you well and vibrant again.

The peddlers used a number of tricks and stunts, and the larger traveling shows employed advance men to herald the arrival of the Great Traveler. They entered town with circus-like fanfare, typically with a band leading the procession of wagons. Skits and other diversions were used to attract audiences, who eventually were treated to the lecture or production. Assistants moved through the crowds were often garbed as Quakers to lend an air of moral respectability. Native Americans were frequently recruited to promote the notion of "natural" medicine, which was given names like Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, Seminole Cough Balsam, and various Kickapoo cures. This practice is also called "grifting" and its practitioners "grifters."

The practice of selling dubious remedies for real (or imagined) ailments still occurs today, albeit with some updated marketing techniques. Claims of cures for chronic diseases, for which there are reputedly only symptomatic treatments available from mainstream medicine, are especially common. The term snake oil peddling is used as a derogatory term to describe such practices.

Just remember, we are not to question his background, his church attendance for twenty years, two racist ministers, his middle name, his manipulation of organizations such as Acorn to enhance reparations for the downtrodden, Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko, Father Flager, to allow this country to fall into bankruptcy and expect the rest of us to pay for it as an entitlement… Isn't it interesting that the CEO's of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are now his campaign advisors? Let me see, he has never worked in the private sector, another Harvard lawyer, no executive experience, no military experience, no business experience, voted for partial birth abortion, voted against medical care for babies who survive abortion, most liberal Senator… a vote for Obama is also a vote for Nancy Pelosi, Jack Murtha, and a Democrat Congress.

This is the Genuine Article!!!!
Prepared from Pure Rattlesnake Oil!!!!
A Great Cure of Rheumatism, Arthritis, and Inflammations!!!!!!
~~~Cures all Aches and Pains~~~~
Step Right Up Folks, Get Your Great Snake Oil Potion Here!!!!!!!!



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