Obama/Wright Mutual Disadmiration Society is a Planned Ploy
I think this Obama/Wright Mutual Disadmiration Society is all a ploy planned and orchestrated by the Obama campaign. Just connect the dots. Obama said over a year ago that he thought he would have to eventually disavow Wright. But he couldn’t do it right after the Wright sermons hit the press. That would have given the appearance of blatant political expediency. But he had to get it out of the way soon so it wouldn’t be an issue later in the campaign. So they waited two months. The timing is perfect. Further, it’s really hard to believe Wright doesn’t want his faithful friend of 20 years elected, and that he came to this conclusion just two weeks ago. Sure! Finally, I can’t believe that Bill Moyer did not clear his interview with the Obama campaign. If they didn’t want it aired, it would not have been aired. Please, Senator Obama, tell us it’s not true.
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