Why Am I Forgotten?
I appear before the darkness. I cast fiery rays down upon you. Is there anyone down there watching me from far below?
I do not expect you to worship me. You do not have to know anything about me other than appreciate my faithfulness. As sure as I rise, you can see me, but do not question my awesome power.
I go by many names, Amaterasu, Odin, Tyr, Helios, Sunna, and Apollo. I have been worshiped by many cultures, the Iroquois, the Tsimshian of North America, the Egyptians, and the people of Mexico and Peru, but you do not revere me, why?
I warm your fields and make things grow. I kill in foolish error without regard, burning deserts and drying up water. I provide energy. I provide life. I am a compassionate thing, an observer, and a noble eye in the dark cosmos. I keep the Prince of Darkness away all day.
I am bigger than anything you can imagine. I have lived longer than any man. No one dares look at me with naked eyes and retain their sight. Do you dare look at me like that?
The ancients knew me, but you do not. I have a day named after me at the beginning of every week. What do you do on that day to reflect, to ponder, to give consideration to?
I did not write a holy book. I did not ask you to bow down before me. I did not ask for your adoration. Upon rising, I open the eyes of the rooster and tuck in the nocturnals when I awake. I will not rest and I am tireless.
I can plunge the world into darkness until I emerge to greet you again. I chase the Dark Angel away. The fire in my belly is a furnace hotter than the sparks in your campfire. I am mad and violent. I am soft and glowing as well. Why do you not recognize my gifts I give to you? Why am I forgotten?
The ancients reasoned that no one could ever claim ownership to me. No place is safe from me. Look at me now and again, but don’t forget, as you pace around my arms like an angry child every day, that I am here, ever-present in your life.
You are battered into your own religious struggles. You are blinded by an unholy light. You do not see the restless sea of flames of everlasting light I provide. You are blind to the awakening I give relentlessly. You are little children on a huge playground, constantly misbehaving. Why can’t you all get along?
I have holidays, I have festivals, and I remember the Great Orb of Day, the Great Fire of Day, and the Unconquerable Sun. You have four days a year to remember me. My mood changes around these special times, and I rise again on the great day of my rebirth. Winter will be receding soon, I promise.
Have you ever seen anything more wonderful in your life? The sun makes us see who we genuinely are. Imagine what would become of the Earth and everyone we care for if the Sun was not there tomorrow morning…
I do not expect you to worship me. You do not have to know anything about me other than appreciate my faithfulness. As sure as I rise, you can see me, but do not question my awesome power.
I go by many names, Amaterasu, Odin, Tyr, Helios, Sunna, and Apollo. I have been worshiped by many cultures, the Iroquois, the Tsimshian of North America, the Egyptians, and the people of Mexico and Peru, but you do not revere me, why?
I warm your fields and make things grow. I kill in foolish error without regard, burning deserts and drying up water. I provide energy. I provide life. I am a compassionate thing, an observer, and a noble eye in the dark cosmos. I keep the Prince of Darkness away all day.
I am bigger than anything you can imagine. I have lived longer than any man. No one dares look at me with naked eyes and retain their sight. Do you dare look at me like that?
The ancients knew me, but you do not. I have a day named after me at the beginning of every week. What do you do on that day to reflect, to ponder, to give consideration to?
I did not write a holy book. I did not ask you to bow down before me. I did not ask for your adoration. Upon rising, I open the eyes of the rooster and tuck in the nocturnals when I awake. I will not rest and I am tireless.
I can plunge the world into darkness until I emerge to greet you again. I chase the Dark Angel away. The fire in my belly is a furnace hotter than the sparks in your campfire. I am mad and violent. I am soft and glowing as well. Why do you not recognize my gifts I give to you? Why am I forgotten?
The ancients reasoned that no one could ever claim ownership to me. No place is safe from me. Look at me now and again, but don’t forget, as you pace around my arms like an angry child every day, that I am here, ever-present in your life.
You are battered into your own religious struggles. You are blinded by an unholy light. You do not see the restless sea of flames of everlasting light I provide. You are blind to the awakening I give relentlessly. You are little children on a huge playground, constantly misbehaving. Why can’t you all get along?
I have holidays, I have festivals, and I remember the Great Orb of Day, the Great Fire of Day, and the Unconquerable Sun. You have four days a year to remember me. My mood changes around these special times, and I rise again on the great day of my rebirth. Winter will be receding soon, I promise.
Have you ever seen anything more wonderful in your life? The sun makes us see who we genuinely are. Imagine what would become of the Earth and everyone we care for if the Sun was not there tomorrow morning…

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