DC Adventures 2007
James & I just returned from a whirlwind 5-day trip with the 8th grade to Washington D.C., where we saw many amazing things! The weather was absolutely perfect, and the fall colors were starting to appear. There were NO CROWDS. It was wonderful.
Highlights included Jamestown, Williamsburg, Gettysburg, Monticello, Mount Vernon, the Smithsonian, the Capitol building, Arlington National Cemetery and many monuments and memorials. James was brave enough to go to the top of the Washington Memorial. Not I. :) I stayed safely at the bottom and counted the students as they exited. I've been chaperoning this trip for more years than I can count, but one of the more unusual things was that we were able to see was the Minister of Defense for the State of Israel and an All-Service Honor Guard lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers. It was very impressive. There were some Royal Airmen in attendance as well, and James was quite impressed.
James loved the opportunity to travel and to see new things. I actually didn't spend much time with him--he was enjoying his friends and a bit of freedom. It is always so amazing to see the students grow up a bit on this trip and take more responsibility for themselves--and all this happens in just a few days! It is an amazing learning experience, and not just for the history and politics they learn, but also for the street sense, budgeting skills and travel-savvy they learn along the way. What an amazing journey!

Labels: adventures, fossa
I too loved the opportunity to travel with my students! Just amazing to watch them see and learn!
Heidi, at 6:57 AM
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