Backyard Adventures

Monday, November 13, 2006

Why the Canine Party Lost to the Kitty

Why the Canine Party Lost to the Kitty:
By Kosmo the Dog

Big Spending – The Canine Party spending platform, and those earmarks or where those pig ears? The Prescription Dog Food Plan; Pork spending transparency; Failure to limit the size of Dog Houses across the Country, to include a $2.57 Trillion dollar budget, and the size of government doubling in the last decade; Hmmm now that isn’t something to bark at? Ruff!

Big Borders - Do nothing party about illegal immigration; Letting Kittens in under and over the fence; If ILLEGAL means Undocumented - Then Breaking and Entering Means Unannounced Visit. Canines are guilty of failing to seal the borders or pass meaningful immigration reform. Do we really want illegal feral Cats working in our fields chasing mice and rats when the Cats we have here can do that right now? Do the labor Cats want more in their factories really? Don’t we have enough Cats in the country already? …And Cats in Hollywood are prowling at concerts, yelling at the Doberman, and telling us how awful we smell?

Concentrating on Issues that Won't Win Elections (the spay and neuter issue, gay marriage, catnip, flag burning) - The Canines lost because of their own stupidity, the voters didn't fail them, the Canines failed the voters. Rodney King Syndrome? (Can't we all get along?). Fight for Bones and Walks, not napping all day, prowling all night!

Iraq – i.e. Failure to win in Iraq - or have any measurable success in sight. I am concerned that the problem is actually more insidious than that. In fact, the Cats never offer a single plan for Iraq. The voters elected nothing to replace what is already happening there. That is deeply troubling. If Bones and Tennis Balls don’t work, maybe catnip will solve the problem?

Referendum on the Doberman – Yes, the Doberman’s foresight has not resonated with grass-roots Schnauzer. Henceforth, attacks by the drive-by media will continue for two more years on Canine issues. His vision is not conservative but more Kitty-like than Canine. Act like a conservative Doberman and you will win elections. Act like a Calico and you will end up with a hairball.

The Drive-by Media - CNN ABC NBC CBS MSNBC NYT - The Dogs haven’t had media backing to win elections. The media favors the soft and furry kitty over charm and charisma of the dog. They are scared of the teeth, the tail, and charm of the Canine Family. I think it might be time to start looking at the Canines itself for the problem. “It's for the Kitten, Remember!” I am also convinced that a drive-by media has resulted in a drive-by populace that cannot understand the concept of what is happening in the Middle East (or can tell you where the Middle East is), what will happen if we finish the job, nor the dire, immediate, and irreversible consequences of not finishing the job (i.e. having all female dogs having to wear doggie sweaters, collars and leashes—all the time!). What's more, in true drive-by style, they do not care.....something obvious from their choices last week. In some cases, apathy is far more destructive than hatred. It is all about keeping power in The (Dog Crossed Out) Cat House.

No Longer Representing the Actual Canine Voter - Accommodation of domestic enemies, the furry versus the charismatic, and tolerance of corruption - The Canines lost because they became fake Kittens, and failed to have a coherent waste management and energy policy. Cats like taking care of business in a nice sandy corner of the laundry room, while the dogs favor the open domain of the wilderness, a clear dilemma. To include corruption to the ticket, Jack Abramoff, Mark Foley, Rick Santorum, Lincoln Chafee didn’t win the big Tug-of-War contest or get us a toy from the basket of treats either. Where is Bunny anyway?

“I am concerned that the problem is actually more insidious than that. In fact, the Kittens never offered a single plan for Iraq,” Rudy the Boxer.

“The two party system just means that the corporations cut two checks instead of one,” Max the Shepard.

"One reason: Accommodation of domestic enemies," Pluto the Golden Labrador.

“And so America voted in bigger spending, bigger government, and bigger borders. Is this a great country or what? Catnip for all!” Maggie the Rottweiler.

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