Backyard Adventures

Monday, November 27, 2006

HP 7?

CRAMLAKAS, (I know you're out there!)

Any new Harry Potter news? Email me if you don't want to post. Write soon anyway, I miss you guys.

Be good.

Ms. G

UPDATE: M--your spelling correction of CRAMLAKAS has been duly noted. Thanks :) Hey, you all convinced me to go at midnight to see the last HP movie. Crazy people....but it was sooooo much fun! I'd do it again!

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  • I want a copy!

    By Blogger Sean, at 2:08 PM  

  • ummmm....
    hi ms governale!!! and sean!! XD AHHH omg.. its been like forever....='( but first of all..u spelled cramlakas wrong..and u mised out on CHELSEA the most HARRY POTTER FREEK OUT THERE! jkjk XD well...i think that we seriously should see the 5th movie together! but not at 12:01 in teh morning....that would be HORRIBLE. and most likely everyone would be sleeeeepeing during the movie. but when is the 7th book coming out? i am so not updated on this stuffffff....XD bye! ~Meeeeeekeeeeee >.<"

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:02 PM  

  • Hey Ms. Governale and Sean! I see u got my email cuz u put the pic on the website! AHH, i look horrible in that picture. Anywho, have u seen the OOTP trailer? It looks so cool. I don't know what Miki is talking about. Of course we should see it at 12:01. That's what makes it fun! Anywho, we need to find another hope event where all the CRAMLAKAS and teachers can meet up again. Is anything happening soon?

    Autumn :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:27 PM  

  • Hey Ms. Governale! And Sean!

    I haven't spoken to you forever! We have to get together one day during the break or during the weekend. I'll bring the HP book we wrote in during the school year with you being Tonks and Sean being Lupin :)....I crack up when I read it. The CRAMLAKAS miss you, well especially this one! I pick up my brother everyday so I'll try to stop by one day.

    Missing you and HOPE because both rock much much more than Troy!

    ~Anisha :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:10 PM  

  • I am bored of homework so I'll post again. Do you want me to send you a pic of all the CRAMLAKAS? Let me know... :)

    O yes, and just because i forgot last time, let me do it now:

    ~Invisibility Cloak

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:13 PM  

  • Autumn--yes, got your email! I'll answer soon--it's on my school account, and it has been such a crazy week! I love the picture! Yes, saw the new trailer just recently--and I can't wait! No events until after the break--the play will be in the spring this year. Would love to see you guys though...

    Anisha/Invisibility Cloak--Thanks so much! Yes, missing you guys too---the only class I've ever had that discusses great literature over lunch! :) Do send me that pic--I'd love to see it! I don't have an email address for you, so I hope you check back and see this! Looking forward to seeing the journal again.


    By Blogger Lara, at 8:10 PM  

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