Backyard Adventures

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

George and Martha Homeless – Couple Evicted

George and Martha Evicted November 1, 2006 due to Unsanitary Living Conditions. Please See Note for Prior (Tenant) Occurrences (You are Invited to a Shower).

How Do I Evict a Tenant?

The eviction process is a four-step process.
1. The landlord must serve an eviction notice – Check!
2. If the notice is not obeyed, the landlord must file a court action, which allows the tenant to present defenses in court – Check No Case!
3. If the judge rules for the landlord, the judge will enter an order for the tenant's eviction by a sheriff – Judge agrees with us!
4. A landlord must follow the law closely in order to evict a tenant. A notice must say exactly the right thing, and must be served on the tenant in the right way. If the landlord makes a mistake, a tenant may be able to get the case dismissed

Start Packing George and Martha!

With the following steps performed, the following Notice has been served:

Although I feel a little guilty evicting Mr. and Mrs. George and Martha (below), I feel after hosing an hour of poop from their room (roost), and the necessity to take a long hot shower after dealing with their unsanitary living conditions, it was time to evict the tenants (Vagabonds). George and Martha will be living under the freeway and are taking donations for their future residence. Possibly they may take roost in a similar tract home in your neighborhood? Stand by for new tenants, Jeff and Kim!!!!!!!

Mr. and Mrs. George and Martha, Evicted



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