Where are we?

Yesterday, while sitting next to Lara on the plane back from Virginia, I suddenly realized that these weekend trips go by way too fast. I boarded the plane in San Jose, ten minutes went by, and I was back on the curb waiting for the shuttle to take me to my car again. What happened? We had four beautiful days together and they went by as fast as Hurricane Ernesto did. Yes, we flew in right after Ernesto and the aftermath had subsided. Rain was present, but only slightly. Trees and debris where scattered about as well. But other than the gloom around us, we flew in just at the right time.
The first day was uneventful as we prepared for the upcoming activities and ate at Macaroni Grill to celebrate our over-a-year anniversary. On the schedule: we picked up the race number for the Rock and Roll Virginia Beach Half Marathon, visited all the turtles at the Virginia Aquarium, checked out the Boardwalk on Virginia Beach, went shopping, and to top off the evening, enjoyed the world’s largest buffet and Mongolian BBQ.
It may not be the world’s largest, but all of Asia would fit into the dozen food islands. It was Crab Legs Night also, so we paid a little more. Hmmm ten dollars for all of Asia and all the crab you can eat. Additional food items included fish, rice, noodles, ten kinds of chicken, a full fruit island, the chop chop man, sushi, ice cream, and a hundred other dishes I didn't get to try. I was sooo full and I suspect Lara was also. It was a great carbo load for the upcoming race the next day.
The next day came seven minutes later. Lara dropped me off at the Convention Center, the start of the race “It is 3:30 California time. What am I doing here with all these people?” I joined the 20,000 other racers in the wee hours of the morning. I was already getting hot and sticky. “Don't forget to take off your hat and stand for the national anthem!” After the elites, the wheelchairs, and all the corrals started, corral ten got to go! “And a way they go!” The announcer said.
The first five miles went by smoothly.
Mile Six into Ocean Naval Air Station was blistering hot and humid.
“Help me Gu, I can't fill my body up fast enough.”
“Walk a little, run a lot, walk a little, run a little more, don't walk, keep going...”
And then Mile Seven!
“Just a downhill sprint and it is all down hill from there.”
“Wait, where are all the water stations? I am really thirsty!”
“What is this big bridge uphill doing here?”
And then Mile Nine!
“Look at all the people on the Boardwalk!”
“Keep running and don't walk. But it is hot!”
And around the hotels and loop back onto the Atlantic-side of the Boardwalk. “I can see the end, but it is really far. Keep going! It is only three more miles.” But that is a long way after you just ran ten miles!
“Almost there and no more water!”
And the finish line came after the great Titan statue.
“Yea I made it! Call Lara and get me out of here!”
The sea of people was never ending. The race was sold out and if it wasn't for the bottled water at the end, the free Spenco slippers, the medal, and the iced towel, I would have expired. I really wanted to jump in the ocean, but with all those people, it was best to reconnoiter and get out of there.
“There’s Lara! Is that you swerving?”
Lara picked me up and we escape to the best Waffle House in town. It was scrumptious!!! After filling up with tons of grits, waffles, eggs, juice, and toast, we were off to the next activity.
We went to the Virginia Aquarium, the USS Wisconsin and Nautica Museum, the Virginia Botanical Gardens and a moon-light walk on the Boardwalk the night of the race. Three more minutes went by and we were on the plane again. With the schedule fulfilled, we had the opportunity to relax and reflect on our travels. Did we get the right gifts for everyone? Did we have fun? Did we see everything we wanted to? Did I forget to tell everyone that we went to Yorktown also? Yes, in our travels we had the opportunity to see the Yorktown Battlefield and Visitor Center. This is where Cornwallis and the Americans ended the Revolutionary War. Yea, with war over, we can go on to a new schedule!
The plane landed in Dallas and we were quickly swooped off to our next planes. A jog to our gates and a quick kiss goodbye and I was the last one aboard. I was worried that my luggage wouldn’t make the plane. Those gorillas below sure know how to transfer bags. I was whisked from one plane to the next and they closed the door behind me onto the runway. “Sit sir sit, we have to get going!” And one minute later, I ended up here on the curb with a damp bag that smelled like shampoo. “What happened?” With a tight schedule and a ten minute vacation, we had a great time and we saw a bunch of things. Oh, and I beat my time by a minute! Wow! What are we doing next weekend Lara?

Labels: adventures, marathon
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