Where I'm From
I’m from
Big Sky Country and Big Creek
Finding caddis fly tubes,
Building rock bridges
And wish-blowing on dandelions.
From catching rainbow, cutthroat and Dolly Varden.
From running barefoot through the woods
And across the bumpy road
With a fistful of daisies.
From swimming in the river and icy
Imagining the monster at the bottom of the lake.
I'm from the Bobbsey Twins and Trixie Belden,
Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys,
Anne of Green Gables and National Velvet.
I'm from "The Journey of Nattie Gann" and "Pippi Longstocking",
Sitting in Papa's lap for the monkey scene in "The Wizard of Oz"
and munching popcorn during "The Wonderful World of Disney."
I'm from Indian Maidens and handbells
Us in the Son and the Whittier Poets.
I'm from little boys and lullabies
muddy lakebed footprints and "I am a Bunny"
How big is James? Soooooo big!
Bowl haircuts and small chubby hands
"I'm Gonna Get Ya!" and "I Only Want to Be With You"
(Even if you get a time-out!)
From good night kisses, and evening prayers
I love you to the moon and back!
I love you more than carrots! What? No, CHOCOLATE!
I'm from play rehearsals and Little League games,
Elementary school and middle school
and "What's next?"
I’m from
Celtic saints, scholars and poets,
Ferocious Vikings
And then farmers
Immigrants from across an ocean
Bravely stepping on new shores.
*Beautiful*, Lara!! :)
Lanier, at 3:54 AM
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