Backyard Adventures

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A Rabble of Butterflies

Did you know rabble is the collective noun pertaining to butterflies? According to this site, swarm also applies. Neither one quite fits, if you ask me. Hmm...a blessing of butterflies? A rustle of butterflies?

Whatever you call it, Dog Day Afternoons has it. She found some forty-odd monarch butterfly chrysalises (and correspondingly bare milkweed plants) outside her home yesterday. Neat pictures, especially the last one. Think we could make this happen in our backyard, Sean? :)



  • Monarch butterflies are nice, but if they are going to devour our poor plants, than maybe we can have butterflies in a nice case or photo album? We can just take pictures of them on our adventures to other people’s backyards? Maybe the Santa Cruz pals will send us some examples during butterfly season? Anyhow, we are plant safe for the moment, just as long as we can solve the gopher problem. Dr. Gopher Kevorkian, can you make a special trip to Lara’s garden? We have a job for you!!!!!!!!!!!

    By Blogger Sean, at 7:44 AM  

  • Awwww...they won't eat much! Just a little milkweed. Maybe they can be trained to eat bermuda.

    By Blogger Lara, at 8:16 AM  

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