Saturday, April 30, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Saturday, April 09, 2011
Friday, April 01, 2011
Climategate: A Veteran Meteorologist Exposes the Global Warming Scam by Brian Sussman

Mr. Sussman’s book was a simple and clear explanation of the damning arguments against anthropogenic (man-made) global warming. I have followed this issue since my years as a geography student. I have always, as does Sussman, believed that the global warming indoctrination or religion is a deeply insidious expression of Marxism with the express agenda of de-development and global wealth redistribution. This agenda is as anti-capitalist and as un-American as it gets. Sussman lays out the major issues well, which basically amount to cherry picking of the data and manipulating mathematical models to produce the desired results.
Sussman provides only a quick 'snapshot' of the entire global warming agenda. He is a professionally trained meteorologist that discloses the truth about the fraud that is man-made global warming. I also like his radio show. But some of the important highlights that I remember from the book were the starting of the environmental fraud movement. The books Silent Spring and the Population Bomb by Rachel Carson and Paul Ehrlich are idolized to this day in colleges around the country, and for what reason? Fear? Control? Changing our behavior? I also enjoyed the discussion on the different government characters that are perpetuating this climate change fraud. Some examples were Cass Sunstein, John Holdren and James Hansen, among others. These people are all perpetuators of the environmental scam movement. Finally, there were major discussion points debunking Al Gore and his own fraud scheme that are directly linked to the global warming hysteria. I can’t even imagine how much he has advocated, with this scheme to bring socialism to this country, with his whole fear-mongering agenda. His credibility has evaporated significantly after reading this book, and the environmental fad that seems to always resort to the tactic of fear.
Sussman's main focus is two-fold; first, that there is no proof for anthropogenic global warming and that C02 is the main cause. He thoroughly refutes all the arguments and the manipulated temperature data and second, he theorizes that the scam was perpetrated by Marxists who have penetrated our government, our schools, and our media. He lays out a very believable case that the people doing this are out to grab more power over our lives, and make a good deal of money doing it. Even if he had not made a good argument, and it is a good one, the fact that politicians, scientists, educators and the press have used false science, and false statements, to drive us to enacting legislation (which is crippling our economy), it is more than enough reason to have the world take another careful look at this issue.
One thing I wished Sussman delved into more was the e-mail scam perpetuated at the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, dubbed "Climategate.” While the book contained a couple references to those e-mails, it could have gone more into detail as to the scientist’s deception that was occurring in England. However, the subject is really about a much larger topic, the entire global warming scam. The e-mails are just a small, though damning part, of the picture of the greatest scam in history ever perpetrated by scientists, politicians, educators, and the media.
This book is written for the layman with a modest understanding of science. The reader will gain a lot of insight as to who is behind this global warming scam. Sussman, a former meteorologist, writes in a way that appeals to your common sense with his own personal experiences as support for his assertions. I highly recommend this book and I give it four stars.
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