My Fluffy Washington Press Corps Questions to the President, WHY?

Why weren’t any of these comments brought up yesterday in the Presidential Press Conference?
In the fourth quarter, real GDP decreased 6.3 percent. What are you doing to fix this?
Gross Domestic Product
2008 I 0.9
2008 II 2.8
2008 III -0.5
2008 IV -6.3
2009 I -6.1
Why wasn’t it brought up about who is ultimately responsible for the Presidential plane? Who was on that plane by the way?
Social Security is going broke, why isn’t he talking about this? Medicare/Medicaid going broke? National healthcare? National banking?
How are you going to pay for this $3.5 TRILLION dollar budget? How many zeros are in a trillion?
Why do you want to join the world court? Noooo
Why are you even considering letting Gitmo detainees into the US? Assimilate into the US known terrorists?
Why do we need convincing on immigration? Noooo
Why cap and tax on unscientific data? Noooo
Do I need to even say anything about Government Motors and Chrysler? Why?
Why are you giving Chrysler Billions to File Bankruptcy? (Placing an $8 billion taxpayer-funded bet on a failing car company and personally vouching for guarantees on Chrysler products)
Why didn’t YOU (the Washington Press Corps) ask why?
Labels: politics