My First Whitewater Rafting Experience

On our walk to the campsite, we met Joe, a friend of Sean’s who made our camping trip even more enjoyable. Once we got to the campsite, Sean and I set up camp while my mom went to help gather more luggage. This was my first time setting up a tent and I was excited about my first camping experience.
The next morning, I got up and was ready for rafting. When we left, I was a little scared at first. We boarded a bus, which dropped us off at Chili Bar, the start of our rafting experience. Then, after hearing the safety briefing, we met our guide. My guide’s name was Scott and he was very cool. Once we were aboard our raft, I had to get used to being a lefty while paddling. It was fun learning about changing my dominant hand to the opposite side.
Some of the rapids were really easy, and some really hard. The tough ones that come to mind were the Meat Grinder, Troublemaker, Satan’s Cesspool (which you can guess was really hard), and Hospital Bar Rapid. After that one Scott said you could either go to the hospital or the bar. My new friend Owen and I had to get down into the raft so we wouldn’t fall out.
About halfway through the rafting experience, we stopped to have lunch. The food was great. I ate way too much. Then it was back on the raft ready to conquer aqua world again.

Once everyone was up, we packed up and I slept in the car. I needed it! When we got to Sean’s, I went swimming again. It was very refreshing in the 100+ degree heat. Then my mom and I left for the six-hour drive back to southern California. On the way back, we listened to C.S. Lewis’s The Silver Chair. It was a very good. We got home and I had to rush to take a shower and I had to get to bed. It was way past my bedtime and I needed to dream about frogs, camping, and rafting.
The South Fork of the American is an ideal rafting trip combined with various family fun activities, such as skipping rocks, wading in the river, finding frogs, camping, and best of all making new friends and eating tons of food. Camping under the stars with the river behind us lulled us to sleep as we dreamt of our next time rafting the Gorge and the next brutal rapid. This is a great getaway for any family who wants to have the best time together. And guess what, we had real showers and bathrooms in the wilderness too. Mom, can we go on the Kern River next?
Labels: adventures, fossa